
Michael was seated in front of a computer, in a tiny room. He looked around at his surroundings. It felt so cramped, but this was his choice. He had to be here.

"Michael," said a voice coming from a small speaker on the computer monitor.

There was an entrance to two vent shafts. One on the left, and one on the right. They all connected to similar box-sized rooms, just like the one Michael was inside. Michael had his head poked down the left shaft, but then he heard Henry call his name.

"Yes?" Michael asked, taking his head out the vent. He sat back down In his seat. "What is it, Henry?" EH said looking at the monitor.

"You sure you know how to work the devices I have shown you?"

"Yes, the animatronics are all around me," Michael said.

"Right," Henry said.

"Is... Sora and the rest alright?"

"Yes, they are," Henry responded. "They're behind me, safe and sound. Sora told Roxas and Hayner what their intentions are. And, don't worry Michael, the robots can't get out. Since you are in there, you can supervise to make sure they don't do anything suspicious,"

Michael didn't answer. He went onto a screen on the computer that picks up audio in the vents around him. The animatronics were angry. They can come and take him out. Although Michael wants to sacrifice himself for the sake of freeing the souls, especially his sister, he can't risk them killing him. No one would be there to look them over, and he doesn't want that. He fears that the souls could escape.

He could hear laughter in the vent. He turned his head down there and saw one of the animatronics seized back onto the vent.

It was that animatronic with all the wires. He hated that thing. According to what his father had said back in Fazbear's Fright, was that is was multiple souls in one robot. Michael felt sick. He felt horrible that his own father could do something like this. That thing could have been awesome to see in a horror movie, but with it playing out in real life, feels just sickening to watch.

He shined his flashlight down the vent shaft. But then, he heard a voice.

"It's you... You might not recognize me at first, but I assure you, it's still me Michael..."

Michael quickly turned his head to the right air vent and shined his light, and the rabbit animatronic retreated into the darkness. "Get away from me Father! I do recognize you!" He yelled with anger. "You bloody bastard! You got a new suit huh? Old one got burned?" Michael stuck his head down the right vent. "Burned because of me!! And I'll do it again if I have to! And by the way, your new suit looks horrible! Your head is shaped like a rejected peanut!"

Michael heard scratching coming from the left vent. He shined his flashlight, and then the animatronic with the loose wires screeched and flew back into the dark vent.

Michael wasn't sure how long he could keep up with this. "Come on Henry, just start the fire already, they're all here," Michael said to himself.


Henry took a sigh, as he stared at the red button on his desk. He looked at it for a while, then, he turned his head to Sora, Roxas, and Hayner who were behind him. "I'm so sorry you three. I'm sure you were good friends with Michael. Especially for all you three to be here still,"

Sora sighed. He looked at Roxas and Hayner, who both had sad expressions. "Yeah... we were," Sora said. "We haven't known him for that long, but.. Yeah,"

Henry looked back at the monitor. He reached over, about to press it. Once he clicked it, he started to talk into the mic, to Michael.

"Michael," Henry said quietly. "I'm going to turn off the air, the vent, and anything that is supplying air conditioning where you are. Then, I'm going to start the fire," He said.

Kingdom Hearts Dimensions III: Dimensional Spreeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें