i felt like a part of my heart had left when i walked away from clara, i hated to say this but she was obviously a big part of my life.

he opened up our hotel room, guiding me onto the bed. he got up, getting me a water bottle before walking back and sitting next to me.

"talk to me, please." joão said, taking my hand in his. i lied my hand on his shoulder, "clara and i aren't friends anymore."

i noticed him take a deep breath before nodding, "what happened?" he asked. "she called me dramatic after almost exposing my secret in front of everyone." i spoke as warm tears rolled down my face.

"i'm so sorry, adelina. it's all my fault." he spoke, putting his head down. "what? no, don't say that." i shook my head, caressing his face.

"what clara did would've still happened no matter what. i just found out she would tell my secret in a heartbeat, you tried to do a nice thing and she completely ruined it. you did nothing wrong." i wrapped my arms around him, he hugged me back quickly.

"i'm glad you're here, joão." i tried to smile in his arms. "i'm glad i'm here too." he spoke back in a whisper.

a tear rolled down my cheek as i closed my eyes and began to fall asleep. i might as well just escape this whole nightmare.

i felt joão pick me up, setting me carefully on the bed before covering me with the blanket. he kissed my forehead before going to the bathroom.

i heard the shower turn on a couple of minutes later, completely falling asleep.

i woke up in the middle of the day, it was six o'clock and very rainy outside. i noticed joão sitting on the couch, watching a random show with a blanket over him.

"joão?" i called, my voice did not sound good oh my god. he turned his head before smiling at me, walking over to me.

"you're awake. how was your sleep?" he asked, kneeling down and holding my hand.

"it was fine, why were you on the couch?" i looked back to the couch, confused. "i didn't want to disturb you." he chuckled, lightly.

i realized it was a day before the game, "aren't you supposed to be at an important dinner right now?"

"it's not important, don't worry. i told everyone beforehand that i won't be able to make it." he said with a smile.

i smiled back at him, he walked back over to the couch and continued to watch his show.

i went on my phone, a picture of clara and i showing up. i was about to send it to her until i remembered our last conversation.

i didn't want to be sad anymore, she took advantage of my trust for her and i don't to cry over such negativity. i went to my camera roll, deleting all of our pictures together.

i knew i would regret this later on and cry even more but i had the person i needed with me, i didn't need anyone else.

i went on messages only to find out she had already blocked me herself and unfollowed me everywhere. it's like she's been waiting for this moment.

i turned off my phone and stared at the tv until the door began to ring. i turned my head over to the door, confused.

joão ran over to it with a smile before unlocking it. a few seconds later, he came back with a pizza box in his hand.

he set the box on the table before walking over to me, taking my hand in his and walking me over to the table.

i didn't want to eat but i also didn't want to disappoint him. i tried to eat but i just couldn't, i felt like i was going to cry again.

COINCIDENCE - JOÃO FÉLIXМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя