|Billy the Kid| SFW Alphabet

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A/N: Thank you so much for your kind comments!! 🥺 the start of this week had been awful so I'm really grateful for them 💜

Requested By: ninalo5583

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)

EXTREMELY affectionate. Pet names, holding hands, greeting kisses and hugs, flirting, pick-up lines, EVERYTHING. While you're walking down the street, you two are holding hands, Billy always asks for a kiss or a hug when you two have to be apart, and he even gets offended when you call him by his name and not his nickname. Even when standing while Sherlock reads out the mission, Billy is hugging you from behind and resting his head on your shoulder as you two listen. At one point, Sherlock got so fed up he pulled you two apart when Billy went in for a hug when they came back from a mission.

B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)

You two are partners in crime. When you two look at each other, there's an unspoken language, and you both instantly know what trouble you'll cause. However, you keep a close eye on him during missions, knowing how self-sacrificing he can be during dangerous situations, keeping him out of danger when needed. You two met most likely when he moved into the big city and became partners for jobs. You two were rough around the edges at first and may have clashed here and there, but now you work together effortlessly as if you can read each other's minds.

C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

Loves cuddling, whether it's after a long mission or he just woke up and saw you making breakfast in the kitchen. Whether on the bed, couch, or just on a chair, he's always down for a cuddle. He loves surprising you with hugs as he snuggles close to you. He also has a habit of teasing you. While you were walking by, Billy pulled you down to his lap and cuddled you, making Sherlock grimace and throw the mission papers on Billy's face. If you're on the bed, he's usually the big spoon. But he also loves being the little spoon as you massage his scalp, making him sleep soundly.

D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)

I don't think settling down has ever crossed his mind a lot, especially if your relationship has just started. He loves the time you're spending together now, and Billy's happy with what you have together. He's in no rush to settle down with you and just wants to enjoy the time you have together now. I would imagine Billy's decent with housework and pretty good with cooking. While Billy likes cooking for you, he would always say he prefers your cooking. He doesn't complain when doing house chores, but he prefers doing those tasks with you, and unfortunately, it usually ends with you two playing and forgetting about those chores.

E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)

He would try to let you down gently, not wanting to hurt you more than needed. He'll probably pull you somewhere you can be alone, not wanting to drag Sherlock and William to your personal affairs. He'll be honest with you and apologize for it not working out. If you two are still friends after the breakup, he'll try to be as normal as possible, not wanting it to become awkward between you two. Sometimes a little too much. Like when you start moving on with someone, he'll try his best to keep smiling, but Sherlock and William could tell he was faking it all.

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)

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