💟 |Moriarty Brothers & Sherlock| Writing a love letter, song, or poem

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(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

"Huh?" you raised a brow as you saw four assorted letters with a different flower on your doorstep.

The first one was an emerald green with a thornless rose tied to it. The second was scarlet red and a lily, the third was a royal purple with a daffodil, and the last was ocean blue with an iris.

You furrowed your brows as you inspected them.

"The Moriartys and Sherlock?" you muttered, "To (Y/N) (L/N)" in familiar handwriting on the back.

You rushed to your study room and looked for a letter knife, nervous to see why the four men sent a letter.

'Did something happen?' you thought as you carefully opened Albert's letter.

Dearest (Y/N),

I apologize for resorting to writing my affections on paper. Still, I could never find the right words to say whenever I met your eyes. You are one of the reasons why the world seemed brighter and more vibrant than before. Whether we're dancing the night away or enjoying a quiet afternoon inside, I wish to enjoy this life I have with you by my side.

Truly yours,

"Oh, my God..." you muttered as you covered your face, feeling it heat up.

"I thought someone was dying..." you grumbled, embarrassed for being anxious.

You took a deep breath as you calmed down, opening William's letter next.

Dear (Y/N),

As much as I detest not telling you in person, I fear that seeing you will make me change my mind about the future. While I did not plan for us to meet, I do not regret keeping you in my life. Every instance we met or times our paths were crossed, it was all in my design. And I will continue to choose you if you let me.


You rested your head on the table, steam practically pouring out of your ears.

"Are they all...?" you questioned as you opened Louis' next, seeing the paper was written over several times.

To (Y/N),

I hope this letter finds you in good health. While I do not think much of the things I do, only as my mundane routine. But you always made it delightful, even making me look forward to each one. I may not be able to take you to balls or lavish parties, but I will dance with you in the kitchen whenever you take my hand.


You gulped as you processed what you read, unsure if it was all really happening as you opened Sherlock's.


I'm unsure how to say this, but John suggested I write to you. I don't understand it, but you've been in my mind for some time now. No matter what I do, your image haunts me with no end. When you're here, I will look for you and grasp whatever time I can have. When you're gone, I still yearn for your presence. It irks me how I don't know the answer, but I hope you do.


"Are you serious...?" you muttered, staring at the letters on your desk, processing what you've just read.

Lost in your thoughts, you jumped as your doorbell rang.

You hurried downstairs as you looked through the peephole, seeing Albert, William, Louis, and Sherlock with their flowers in hand.

You gulped as you slid down the door, having half a mind to pretend no one was home.

'What am I going to do...?'


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