|Sherlock Holmes| Interconnected

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Requested By: TrixieGalaxy

(Y/N): Your First Name
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

"What the..." Sherlock muttered, seeing the whole Scotland Yard in front of their flat as John stopped behind him.

"Why are they...?" John muttered, just as confused.

"Holmes, Doctor Watson," Lestrade politely greeted as Gregson chuckled pompously.

"I assume you lot aren't here just for afternoon tea?" Sherlock quipped, his eyes scanning through the crowd.

"Afraid not, great detective..." Gregson sneered, spinning a pair of handcuffs on his index finger.

"We would like to have a word with you both,"

"...You think we stole evidence? From a case, we helped you solve?" John questioned as he, Sherlock, Lestrade, and Gregson sat down with tea.

"Unfortunately, you two are the prime suspects seeing how you two were the ones who were bringing them back,"

"And Lady Wright confirmed that she is missing a couple of rings and necklaces,"

"And what are two men going to do with those?"

"Perhaps sell it to your landlady?" Gregson mused, earning a glare from Miss Hudson in the kitchen.

"I'm telling you, we didn't steal them." Sherlock rubbed his head in irritation as he glanced over at Gregson, "Give me a day, and I'll save you the embarrassment and find the real culprit,"

Gregson's eyes widened as he gritted his teeth, slamming his hands on the table.

"You intolerable-!"

"-Gregson!" Lestrade warned, pulling him back with a warning glare.

He let out a sigh as he looked back at Sherlock.

"Twenty-four hours, that's all you get,"

"And you're sure you gave it all to the Yard right here?" Sherlock asked John as they retraced their steps.

"Positive. I made sure of it,"

Sherlock looked around as his eyes caught the street sign saying Periculum St.

"Where were you keeping it?"

"I kept it all inside this..." John answered as he showed a torn bag, "...pouch,"

"Ah..." Sherlock mused, "...That would explain things,"

"I-I don't know when-"

"-Don't worry. It's not the first time someone got pickpocketed in this corner," Sherlock reassured, pointing at the street post.

"Most of the thefts the Yard's working on occurred around here,"

"How would you know that?"

"I got bored while waiting for you and Lestrade back at the station, so I did some light reading," Sherlock vaguely answered as he continued to look around the block.

As he wandered, he noticed an abandoned building nearby, a clothes wire hanging inside.

"Something caught your eye?" John asked, leaning to the side as he tried to see the plaque.

"You could say that," Sherlock muttered, scratching his neck.

"Either way, let's head back," Sherlock sighed, walking back home.

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