🎃 |Moriarty Brothers| Halloween costumes!

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Requested By: nikniko_

Tag/s: Teenage!Sister!Reader, Fluff

(Y/N): Your First Name

2nd Person's POV


"You don't want to match with us?"


"Why not?"

"I just don't want to," you shrugged as you put the vampire costume on your bed.

"Besides, I already have my own costume!" you smiled as you showed them.

"Absolutely not,"

"Why not!?"

"A lady such as yourself should not be wearing clothes this revealing," Louis explained, making you frown.

"But James and I picked this one out!" you defended, making your brothers look at the agent peacefully sitting on the couch.

"What was that Fred?" he shouted as he cupped his ears, but Fred was outside in the courtyard.

"You need help in the kitchen? I'll be right there," Bonde continued as he walked out of the room.

"Anyways," Louis sighed, "You're not wearing that to the party,"

"But Courtney and the others are wearing costumes like this!"

"If they jumped off a cliff, would you follow?" William asked as he folded your vampire costume.


"No buts," Albert ended, making you groan, and went back to your bedroom.

"You three are the worst!" you shouted at them as you slammed the door, making your brothers sigh.

"Teenagers," Jack chuckled as William and Louis sat on the couch while Albert was on the opposite chair.

"This rebellious phase of hers is so..." Albert trailed off, making William and Louis agree while Jack laughed.

"Well, you three were quite a handful when you were in Little (Y/N)'s age," Jack smiled, making the three brothers recoil at the memory.

"Besides, is this party that important that you need matching costumes?"

"It's not the party..." Louis sighed as the three looked at the vampire costume.

"(Y/N) would always make the four of us wear matching costumes on Halloween without fail," William smiled as he reminisced.

"Back when she still liked being seen with us," Albert chuckled, "And we thought bringing that back would... shorten the distance between us,"

"But it seems she already had other plans," Louis sighed, putting his hand on his chin, "We just hope there was some way to go back the way it was,"

Jack smiled as he put a hand on William and Louis' shoulders.

"Well, feeling sorry for yourselves won't help anyone," Jack held William and Louis' arms as he pulled them up to their feet.

"Talk to your sister,"

"(Y/N)?" you heard your brothers call out from outside your door, making you grumble on your pillow and get up from the bed.

"What do you want?" you asked as you opened the door, a heavy frown on your face.

"We just want to talk," Albert reassured, making you sigh and open the door for them.

"So...?" you asked as you climbed back on the bed, and they sat on the edge, "What do you want to talk about?"

The three looked at each other and heaved a sigh.

"We just wanted to apologize about before," William explained, making you raise a brow.

"If you truly wish to wear your own costume, you can," Louis added, making you perk up.

"Really!?" you asked, making the three nod.

"But may I make some alterations? Or we can go to the party with you," Louis sighed, making you giggle.

"You guys can come, it's more fun if you're around, anyway," you chuckled, catching the three by surprise.

"Really? You're fine with us going to the party with you?" Albert smirked as you rolled your eyes.

"I guess it's a little less boring if you three are there,"


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