|Random| Not My Cup of Tea

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Tag/s: Short, Crackfic

(Y/N): Your First name

2nd Person's POV

"Now, for our next mission..." William started the meeting as Louis gave everyone a cup of tea.

"Oh, no thanks," you politely smiled at Louis as he gave you yours, surprising him.

"Do you not like lemongrass?" he asked, taking the cup back.

"Oh, it's not that," you reassured, "I just don't like tea," you shrugged your shoulders, catching everyone's attention.

"You don't like tea?" William asked, making you raise a brow.

"Yeah... I don't like tea," you confirmed, looking at everyone with a confused expression.

"What about chamomile?"




"Not even mint?"

"No, thank you," you shook your head, "I don't really like any kind of tea, really,"

"And you call yourself British?" Sebastian teased, making you furrow your brows.

"What? You'd rather have me piss-drunk with you in a pub?" you joked in the most stereotypical British accent you could muster, making him shake his head with a smile.

"What do you not like about tea?" Louis asked, making you shrug your shoulders, stuttering an answer.

"I just... don't like it... It tastes like drinking grass," you explained, making William raise a brow.

"It tastes like grass to you?" he asked, making you scoff.

"Okay," you raised your palm at him, "I'm not gonna let my taste preferences be attacked by someone whose favorite food is literally a pie with poking fish heads,"

William rolled his eyes as he shook his head, drinking his cup.

"Maybe your taste isn't refined enough," Albert joked, making you scoff.

"Okay, rich boy," you mocked, making him chuckle, "I don't say crap about your addiction to fermented grape juice,"

"What's going on?" James asked as he walked in, confused at the conversation.

"Mx. (Y/N) doesn't like tea,"

"You don't like tea!?"

"THEY ARE LITERALLY LEAVES. IN. HOT. WATER!" you defended as you clapped your hands with each syllable, feeling attacked for your personal preference, making Jack-sensei laugh as others chuckled.

"Bonde is from America, and even he likes tea," Sebastian added as he pointed at him with his thumb.

"Well, congratulations!" you threw your hands up in the air in defeat as others laughed.

"We are literally planning on committing homicide, yet you all stopped to make fun of me for not liking tea?"

"Yes, apparently,"

You scoffed as you stood up and moved your arms, unable to speak.

"I-...I am done..." you huffed, sitting back down in defeat as you looked away from the group.

"Can we please go back to the mission or what? Do you want me to revoke my citizenship?" you asked, starting to get annoyed at the topic.

"Aw, don't be so hotheaded, Young (Y/N)," Jack-sensei comforted, patting your head.

"It's just..." he shrugged, "...rare to see someone in England who doesn't like tea," he explained, making you huff.

"Now, putting aside Young (Y/N)'s questionable drink choices..." Jack-sensei teased, making you groan and stand up.

"That's it. I'm leaving. You lot can go on the mission without me," you made your way out of the door, hearing the boys' apologies as you left, but you ignored them.


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