|Moriarty Brothers| Jumping Into Their Arms Headcanons

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|Albert James Moriarty|

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|Albert James Moriarty|


-He anticipates you jumping into his arms each time he comes home, especially if he was out of town the day before.

-He would announce his presence, waiting for your footsteps and voice, and opens his arms like clockwork.

-He also likes hugging you tightly for a little longer if he has a bad day.

-If you two haven't seen each other for days or weeks, he likes spinning you around or lifting you and ending it with a kiss.

-The first time you jumped for a hug, he was caught off guard.

-He tried to catch you in time, but you two ended up on the floor, laughing.

-Since then, he took note of your habit, and it became a routine for you two.

-If Albert comes home and you don't greet him like this, he'll think he did something wrong.

-It is a must to greet him like this at this point.

"I'm home," Albert muttered as he took off his coat, weary from his trip.

Albert repeatedly blinked as he heard rapid footsteps, making him look around.

"Albert!" you shouted as you jumped at him, waking him up.

He quickly opened his arms as you landed on his chest, making you both fall to the ground.

He groaned as he looked at you with worry, "Are you hurt...?"

You let out a sheepish laugh and nodded, "Sorry, I guess I was too excited to see you," you apologized as you stood up, giving your hand to him.

Albert felt his heart skip a beat as he broke into a smile, grabbed your hand, and stood up.

He quickly pulled you into a kiss, making you both laugh.

"I missed you too, dearest,"

|William James Moriarty|

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|William James Moriarty|

-I feel like his partner would have thought about it to get a reaction from him.

-The first time you tried it, he already noticed you trying to sneak up on him.

-When you launched towards him, he caught you just in time and slightly slid backward.

-He was confused at first with your reaction but thought it was a cute idea.

-Now, it was a little game you two had whenever he came home from work.

-You kept trying to surprise him, but he was always one step ahead of you.

-It evolved into a habit you both had when he was gone for a long time.

-When you tried to stop since you weren't getting anywhere in surprising him, William was a little disappointed.

-He didn't say anything, but you noticed it in his eyes and voice and kept doing it regardless.

-That doesn't mean you stopped wanting to get SOMETHING out of him.

William's eyes moved to the side, feeling your presence behind him.

William smiled to himself as he acted like everything was normal.

He felt you sneak around behind him, slowly building up to a sprint.

William quickly turned in your direction and opened his arms, making you gasp mid-air, unable to stop yourself.

He chuckled as he caught you, trapping you in a hug.

"Darn..." you muttered into his chest as William kissed the top of your head.

"Hello, my love," he greeted as he let go of you, seeing your pouting face.

"Would it kill you to act surprised?"

"With how fast you were running, quite possibly,"

|Louis James Moriarty|

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|Louis James Moriarty|

-No matter how many times you have already jumped into his arms, he still gets flustered.

-But he still catches you every time, though.

-The first time you jumped at him, he thought you were running away from something and needed his protection.

-He quickly turned into fight mode before you reassured him everything was okay.

-He worries that it's a little reckless and you both might get hurt, but he doesn't really force you to stop.

-Now, he knows to prepare for you, but he still fumbles a bit.

-He always has pink cheeks when you do it, maybe followed by a short warning on being careful.

-He would never admit it, but it makes his chest fuzzy with warmth whenever you do it.

-But on his bad days, his arms automatically open for you as he buries his face into the crook of your neck.

-He doesn't notice it himself, but you keep it as your little secret because you can't really resist a cuddle from him.

Louis sighed as his shoulders drooped, fatigue radiating off of him.

He rubbed his eyes as he heard your footsteps, already turning your way as he opened his arms.

Your eyes widened slightly as you noticed he was already prepared before he could even see you.

You landed on his chest as he hugged you tightly, hiding his face on your shoulder.

He sighed in relief as you felt his body loosen up.

You giggled as you hugged him tightly, kissing his cheek.

"Welcome home," you greeted as you snuggled against him, earning a hum as a response.

"I'm home..."


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