|Moriarty Brothers| Being Childhood Friends with Them

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A/N: Sorry for the inconsistent updates, I've been having a hard time with the Halloween requests, so the updates are probably random while I try to overcome my writer's block :')

Tag/s: Headcanons, Long (1.7k words)

• Growing up in the orphanage since you were a baby, you have half given up on the idea of being adopted.

• So the fact that a kind woman-- a duchess no less, adopted you was a surprise you never saw coming.

• But you were grateful for your new life and the woman you now call your mother for this second chance.

• Coming from rock bottom yourself, you and the duchess worked hard with foundations and charities for the poor and unfortunate, even if it meant scandals and rumors circling around you and your new family.

• However, your new title didn't mean anything to other noble kids.

• You were scrutinized and avoided like a plague by other noble families.

• This didn't come as a surprise, but it was still uncomfortable attending balls and having everyone stay five feet away from you, spreading rumors about you being riddled with disease.

• The duchess defended you, saying despite not being bound by blood, you were her child through and through and a noble.

• Unfortunately, her words only fell on deaf ears.

• Not that you mind, knowing firsthand how the rich treat the poor on the streets.

• Worried about you feeling lonely, your mother tried to make friends with other fellow mothers and set up a playdate or tea parties, rich or poor.

• Even when you tried to play nice with other nobles, as suggested by the duchess, the noble kids didn't give you a chance.

• It also didn't help with their mothers calling your mother a hedge creeper, wagtail, or their husband's mistress.

• To say you were banned from a couple of tea parties was an understatement.

• However, hearing Lord Moriarty also adopted kids, the duchess wasted no time setting up a playdate for you.

|Albert James Moriarty|

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|Albert James Moriarty|

• You two have actually met before during a party.

• Granted, scaring the kids who threw rocks at you to run into a thorny rose bush was not the best first impression, but it did make quite an impact on him.

• He found you in the gardens, admiring the flowers, when a group of kids thought it would be funny to throw rocks at you.

• He was about to tell off the kids until one threw a rock especially hard, making you fall on your face.

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