|William James Moriarty| Surprise Visit

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Requested By: williamswifuuu

Tag/s: Continuation of "Noahtic Mission",  BalletDancer!Fem!Reader, Established Relationship

(Y/N): Your First Name
(F/N): Your Friend's Name

2nd Person's POV

"Alright, everyone, that's it for today!" the instructor announced, making everyone sigh in relief.

You took a deep breath as you stood upright, your toes aching from dancing the whole day.

"I'm so hungry...! My stomach's gonna start eating itself at this point..." (F/N) whined as she lay on the floor, making you lightly laugh.

"Wanna go get dinner on the way back?" she suggested, looking up at you with a smile.

"Sure, as long as you're paying," you teased, making her roll her eyes.

"Good work," your fellow dancers greeted as they passed by, making you and (F/N) do the same.

"Good work," you greeted everyone as you crouched down, giving your hand to (F/N).

"Come on," you nodded your head to the locker rooms, "Let's go change before the instructor scolds us again,"

You slowly changed your clothes, your body sore from practice, and you heard loud screams from the studio.

"The heck?" your friend muttered, opening the door slightly, trying to see what was happening.

"(F/N)!" you scolded, making her close the door.

"It was barely a crack!" she reassured, making you shake your head.

She quickly changed into her casual clothes, still hearing the shouts.

"I'll go check it out," she muttered, not waiting for your reply as she headed out.

You raised a brow at the door but were too tired to follow her.

As you grabbed your bag, the door suddenly slammed open.

"(Y/N)!" (F/N) screamed with ragged breaths, making you jump out of your skin.

"(F/N)!" you shouted back, "What the hell are you-" she ignored

you and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the changing rooms.

"Hey! What's gotten into-" you stopped mid-sentence when you saw the others crowding around by the window. The people at the back are jumping or going on their tiptoes, trying to see outside.

You raised a brow as (F/N) pulled you to the windows, making you gasp to see someone waiting by the entrance.

It was William waiting patiently with a bouquet.

'What is he thinking!?' you panicked, furrowing your brows as he looked up, making you both lock eyes.

He smiled at you and waved, making the others squeal and cheer.

You saw him tapping lightly on the bouquet, noticing a pattern.

Meet me at the back.

You felt your cheeks heat up as you let out a sigh, running your hands through your hair.

"Do you know him?" (F/N) asked, making you halt.

"...Just a co-worker of mine," you answered, frowning as you saw William patiently waiting for you with a smile as he started going to the back.

You let out another sigh as you adjusted the strap of your bag.

"Sorry, (F/N)... I need a rain check on dinner," you apologized as she waved her hand.

"Don't worry about it," she reassured, "It looks like you got a cuter date anyway," she grinned, making your cheeks heat up as you glared at her.

"Have fun, now!" she hollered, making you quickly walk out of the studio.

"What were you thinking!?" you shouted in a hushed tone as you ran up to William.

As you tried to run, your leg suddenly gave up from fatigue, making you falter forward.

William quickly moved as he caught you before you landed on the floor.

"You shouldn't push yourself too hard," he warned, making you dryly chuckle.

"That's rich coming from you," you teased, making him lightly smile as he sat you down on an empty bench.

"But really, what are you doing here?" you asked William in a whisper as he showed you a bouquet of lilies.

"I was around the area and thought of dropping by," he explained as you took them, a faint pink dusting on your cheeks.

"Are you sure you're all right?" he asked, kneeling down as he looked at your leg at gave out.

"Perhaps you can ask for a break? It's no good if you push your body too much," he warned as he squeezed your thigh, lightly massaging your leg.

"I-I'm fine, really," you reassured as you moved his hand away, your face heating up at the gesture.

"It's nothing an ice bath can't cure," you added, lightly tapping on your leg with a smile.

"Plus," you crossed your arms, "Why are you really here? It's unusual for you to drop by, let alone in broad daylight,"

He only smiled at you as he raised a brow.

"Is it so unusual for me to miss you?" he asked, making your breath stuck in your throat.

You felt your whole face heat up as you looked away from him, hiding behind your arms.

You heard William chuckle as he sat next to you, kissing the top of your head.

"I also figured you'd be tired, so I brought a carriage for us," he added, making you lightly laugh.

"That's the best news I've heard all day,"

You drew the curtains of the windows, not wanting photographers to snap pictures of you and William.

You scooched closer to William, hugging his arm as you laid your head on his shoulder, letting out a content sigh.

"I see I'm not the only one," he teased, making you snicker.

"Of course," you agreed, hugging his arm, "I'm pretty sure your students spend more time with you and me," you added, making him shake his head.

"But isn't it still too risky to visit me at the studio?" you asked, opening your eyes as you looked up at him.

"I believe it's not the first time a fan would visit, correct?" he countered, resting his head on top of yours.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine. I promise," he reassured, making himself comfortable.

You felt William put his hand over yours, intertwining your fingers.

"...Would it be bad if I actually fell asleep right now?" you felt his whole chest vibrate from his laugh, making you smile.

"Rest well, love," he reassured, kissing the back of your hand.

You breathed a smile as you felt your body relax, the steady sound of your lover's breathing lulling you to sleep.

"...I love you so much, Will..." you muttered, half-asleep as you rested, catching William by surprise.

He looked back at you, but only saw your peaceful sleeping form.

He breathed out a smile as he rested his head back on top of yours.

"I love you too..."


Moriarty The Patriot x Reader IIHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin