💟 |William James Moriarty| 1 + 28

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A/N: Sorry this took a freaking month later ;-;

Requested By: IlioraBlack

Tag/s: Fem!Reader, Established Relationship, Longer than expected (800 words)


(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(L/N): Your Last Name

2nd Person's POV

"ALL ABOARD!" the man shouted at the top of his lungs as people started hurrying to board the ship.

"Miss (Y/N)!" a familiar voice called out, making you turn around and see Louis.

"Louis!" you smiled, excusing yourself from the crowd as you went back down.

"What's wrong? Did I forget something?" you asked, checking your luggage.

"Not exactly," he answered, showing a pigeon in a cage.

"His name is Ingram. He's a homing pigeon," he explained, giving you the cage.

"I wasn't sure what to give as a parting gift, but..." he trailed off, making you smile.

"I'll keep in touch," you put down the cage and your bags as you hugged him, feeling him freeze up before wrapping his arms around you.

"Besides," you pulled away, "I'll be back before you even know it!"

You sighed as you crumpled your letter, throwing it in the bin in frustration.

"Come on..." you muttered, massaging your head to work as your eyes drifted to the stack of letters you wrote to William.

You pursed your lips as you took another clean sheet, writing out your feelings.

"Coo," you heard flapping as bony feet landed on your shoulder, seeing Ingram peeking at your letter.

"Nosey, aren't we?" you smirked, rubbing his head gently.

"That reminds me, we should buy some cabbages,"

"Ingram, I'm home-" you entered your room and saw Ingram with one of your letters to William.

"Ingram...?" you called out as the pigeon hopped to the window.

"Ingram," you called out more sternly, slowly walking to him.

"Coo!" he cooed as he flew out of the window.

"INGRAM, NO!" you shouted as you ran up to him and grabbed him, missing by an inch.

"Ingram!" you called out, but the pigeon was already on his way.

"That bird..." you grumbled, glaring at Ingram as he flew away.

You sighed as you closed the window, "Good thing I didn't put an address on those,"



"Hm?" Billy quirked a brow as a pigeon flew into his window.

"Back so soon?" he chuckled, seeing another letter with it.

He breathed out a smile as he rubbed the pigeon's head.

"Nice work," he complimented as Ingram hopped onto his shoulder.

"William-kun!" Billy happily called in the halls,

"There's another letter for you!"


You sighed as you watched an elderly couple walk by, making you frown.

"I wonder..." you muttered, looking down at your luggage and Ingram.

"Coo?" he tilted his head to you, making you chuckle.

"It's nothing," you smiled, stopping by a bench and taking a deep breath.

"Three years... and I'm back..." you muttered, looking at the familiar roads and shops.

You sadly smiled at the sight, bittersweet memories of William coming into mind.

You sighed again and sniffed, tears slipping out of your eyes.

"Need one?" you looked up and saw someone handing you a handkerchief.

"Oh, thank you..." you sniffled, taking the handkerchief and wiping your tears.

"Three years is a long time to wait, huh?"

You chuckled, "You can say that-" you abruptly stopped and looked up, seeing a smirking Sherlock.

"Sherlock!?" you asked, your body instinctively hugging him.

"Long time no see, (N/N)," he chuckled as your tears wouldn't stop falling.

"Dang, you two really are crybabies," he laughed as you continued to sob on his chest.

"Sorry about that..." you muttered, finally calming down with your eyes now red and swollen.

"Don't worry about it," he reassured you as he grabbed something from his coat pocket.

"I came to give you this," he explained, giving you a letter.

You furrowed your brows as you took it from him.

"Is it...?"

"Yep, it's from him," he confirmed, making your breath hitch in your throat.

"But I better get going," he stood up, "I have another mission," he apologized, dusting his coat.

You smiled as you gave him another hug.

"It was nice seeing you again, Sherlock," you beamed, fixing your hair.

"I'll see you later," Sherlock ruffled your hair as he walked off, making you chuckle.

"See ya!"

"Do you think she'll come?" William asked Sherlock as they prepared for dinner.

"It's (N/N). I'm sure she's just late," Sherlock reassured, but William was unconvinced.

"What if she found someone else?"

"Miss (L/N) focused on her career, from what we understood in her letters," Louis answered as he set up the table.

"Plus, you've read the letters she wrote to you," Sherlock added, putting a hand on William's shoulder.

"You didn't wait three years to propose to her just to back out last minute, did you?"

William breathed out as he gripped the ring box in his hand.

"Of course not,"

"Then there you go," Sherlock grinned, seeing you arrive in a carriage.

You looked around curiously as you walked up to the entrance.

"Moment of truth," Sherlock winked at William, who took a deep breath as Fred and James opened the doors.


Moriarty The Patriot x Reader IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant