Raphie gotta Temper

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Y/N's Pov:

High school can be a real drag, especially when you're juggling a double life as a vigilante. Last night was particularly rough; staying up till 4 in the morning, trying to keep Mikey away from my laptop while delving into the dark web. Thankfully, Donatello let me hide in his lab for some peace and quiet.

As I tried to stay awake in computer class, my fatigue was evident. Normally, I'd be wide awake, coding away happily, but last night's escapades really drained me. April noticed my struggle and gently shook me, "Hey, (Y/N), you look tired."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes playfully, "What are you talking about? I feel like I could run a whole marathon right now."

April seemed concerned, "Where were you last night?"

I decided to have some fun with her, "I was taking on a whole mafia gang." Of course, she wasn't amused by my sarcasm.

"Seriously, where were you?" she asked again.

"I was researching at the lair," I replied, trying to focus on my work.

"Researching what?" April inquired further.

"About the Kraang," I responded, my eyes scanning lines of code.

"Did you find anything?" she pressed.

"Yeah, they learned how to turn the Earth into a salamander," I lied jokingly.

"Wait, really?" April's shocked expression made me chuckle.

"No, I was just being sarcastic," I clarified, "But I did find out they're planning to break into a lab tonight. I don't know what they're after, but it can't be anything good."

"What can't be good?"

We heard a voice behind us, and it sent a shiver down my spine. It was Mr. Mullen, our computer teacher, wearing a scowl on his face. He must have overheard our conversation.

"How little faith I have in humanity," I mumbled under my breath, earning an even deeper scowl from Mr. Mullen.

April tried to cover for me, "Oh, we were just discussing this line of code here, trying to find the error."

I wanted to retort, my coding is perfect, but decided to bite my tongue as April shot me a look. "Yeah, I was trying to find the error," I replied through gritted teeth.

Thankfully, the bell rang, saving us from further interrogation. We hurriedly left the classroom, feeling relieved to escape Mr. Mullen's disapproving gaze.

As I stood on the rooftop with the turtles, the tension was palpable

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As I stood on the rooftop with the turtles, the tension was palpable. Donatello was diligently scanning the lab through his telescope, and I found some comfort in sipping on my coffee to stay alert during the surveillance.

However, the peace didn't last long as Mikey couldn't resist poking Raph's head playfully. "Hey, you should stop before Raphie blows his top," I warned, but Mikey ignored my advice and continued teasing his hotheaded brother.

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