Chapter 10

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"Liz are you serious?" Scar asks her "Yes I'm still in love with Y/N when I was with Robbie it wasn't the same, Y/N........ made me feel truly loved like I was only girl on the world" "So why did you cheat on him?" Scar asked in a serious tone "He was gone for months Scar we talked nearly everyday when he first left then as time went on nothing not one phone call then I got lonely went to this coffee shop we used to go to then that's where I met Robbie he made me feel happy well at least for that moment then one thing led to another and that's how Y/N caught in bed.....seeing him with her Scar it's killing me cause that should be me but I threw it all away for a guy who just wanted me just for sex and moved on to the next girl who'll sleep with him"

"Liz listen to me you have to move on for your own sake look at you if you truly love Y/N then you have to let him go" Scar says softly "I don't think I can Scar I'm sorry but Y/N was my everything I'll wait as long as possible to fix what I have ...

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"Liz listen to me you have to move on for your own sake look at you if you truly love Y/N then you have to let him go" Scar says softly "I don't think I can Scar I'm sorry but Y/N was my everything I'll wait as long as possible to fix what I have lost"

"Liz listen to me you have to move on for your own sake look at you if you truly love Y/N then you have to let him go" Scar says softly "I don't think I can Scar I'm sorry but Y/N was my everything I'll wait as long as possible to fix what I have ...

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"Is that what you truly want?" Scar asks Liz in a soft tone "Yes a thousand times yes Scar I'm madly in love with him" Liz states as she wipes away a single tear. Scar doesn't say a word just looking at Liz then finally speaks up "I'm not gonna help in anyway....i don't want to be involved at all with this Liz I love Y/N I'm happy for him...all I'm gonna say is for now trying being friends with him I know he doesn't want to speak to you but just try to spark up a conversation when comes back from his vacation"

"Vacation??" I thought he was taking her to the airport" "He's going with her to Seoul Liz he needed time away from everything till we start filming the next avengers movie. Come on let's go get some breakfast get your mind off things I'm driving" Scar stands up and grabs her purse "Okay" Liz simply says.

14 Hours Later Incheon International Airport, Seoul South Korea

No Ones Pov

"Finally I can stretch my legs" Y/N smiles as the couple makes their way to grab their luggage "I'm so happy to be back home especially cause you're here with me Y/N" Jihyo excitedly says. Then the couple makes their way to the entrance of the airport and see their driver waiting for them then they made the trip to the Twice Dorm.

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