Chapter 6

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After the performance has ended the group makes their way back stage then jihyo sees Y/N along with Scarlett and come up to them "지효야 무대 진짜 사랑해 너희들이 잘했어" (Really loved the performance jihyo you guys did great) Y/N smiles at her "정말"(Really) as she blushes "정말 정말" (Really really) he reassures her "내가 옷을 갈아입게 해주세요. 그럼 우리도 갈 수 있어요. 제가 외출할 거라는 걸 여자들에게 알릴게요. 곧 돌아올게요." (let me get changed then we can go also I'll let the girls know I'm going out I'll be right back) she walks away and Y/N smiles as he sees her walk always into the dressing room then hears someone walking up to him "She seems nice" Y/N turns around and see it's Elizabeth then his smile fades away "Yea she definitely is unlike someone I know" "Come on that's not fair I've been asking you multiple times if we can talk I don't want to be the bad guy I just want us to be friends again Y/N" "That ship has sailed Elizabeth the moment you decide to cheat on me we're here to promote the movie that we're both in, on the big screen we're still a thing but in real life it's a while different story that chapter in our lives is closed long gone I was deeply madly in love with you Elizabeth I actually saw a future with you getting married having kids but all that has changed"

" (let me get changed then we can go also I'll let the girls know I'm going out I'll be right back) she walks away and Y/N smiles as he sees her walk always into the dressing room then hears someone walking up to him "She seems nice" Y/N turns aro...

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"갈 준비가 되있어?"(Are you ready to go?) Y/N and sees its jihyo "그래 준비보다 더 가자" (yes more than ready let's go) Y/N smiles and he walks away with Jihyo leaving Elizabeth by herself then she begins to walk to her dressing room then sees the rest of the members of twice who just stared at her what she didn't know was that they along with jihyo heard the conversation that she had with Y/N. They knew how big of a crush Jihyo has on Y/N they never seen her that happy before so they're gonna try their hardest to make sure that they end up together.

The two decide to walk since there's a small coffee shop a couple of blocks. They arrived then they enter the coffee shop "이곳은 좋은 곳입니다"(This is a nice place) Y/N says as they take their seats "저와 제 딸들은 최고의 아침 샌드위치가 있는 이곳에 오는 것을 좋아합니다"(me and my girls love coming to this place they have the best breakfast sandwiches) "당신이 말하는 아침 샌드위치? 내가 아침 샌드위치를 ​​좋아하는 이유의 판사가 될거야"(Breakfast sandwich you say? imma be the judge of that cause I do love me a breakfast sandwich) They both chuckle then a waiter walks up to their table welcomes them and asks of their ready to order. They both order the breakfast sandwich and two iced coffees. "너 자신에 대해 말해줘 내가 모르는 물건을 의미"(Tell me about yourself stuff that I don't know about I mean) Jihyo shyly asks cause she's read a lot about him through magazines "음 어 어디 보자 내가 로스엔젤레스 출신이고 꽤 거친 동네에서 자랐다는 걸 알거야 왜냐하면 LA 중남부가 로스엔젤레스에서 가장 안전한 곳이 아니라는 걸 알잖아 . 어렸을 때 영화와 사랑에 빠졌습니다. Back To the Future는 제가 가장 좋아하는 시간의 영화이기도 하고 14살 때 첫 기타를 구입한 Metallica 덕분에 음악과도 사랑에 빠졌습니다. 그들의 모든 노래를 배웠습니다. 나는 애니메이션, 만화책 및 비디오 게임을 좋아하는 사람들이 좋아하는 기본적인 것을 좋아하기 때문에 나 자신을 약간의 괴짜라고 생각합니다."(well uhh let's see I'm sure you know I'm from Los Angeles, grew up in a pretty rough neighborhood cause you know south central LA isn't the safest place in Los Angeles my family lived from paycheck to paycheck but we got by. I fell in love with movies when I was young Back To the Future being my favorite film of time also fell in love with music thanks to Metallica bought my first guitar when I was 14 I learned every song of theirs. I consider myself a bit of a nerd since I like anime, comics books and video games the basic things that nerdy people like.) As Y/N continues to talk about himself and the things he likes to do Jihyo couldn't take her eyes off him he had her undivided attention she took any and every piece of information that he said about himself then the waiter arrives with their food and drinks

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