Chaper 2

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Back in Los Angeles at Scarlett's Home

Scarlett standing at the guest room's doorway "How you holding up Y/N". Y/N taking a deep breath in "for all things considered better than before like I know I should be mad at what she did but a part of me wants to go back and talk it out with her" Scarlett sits next to Y/N on the edge of the bed "Hey listen to me you have the right to be mad I'm extremely upset at Liz this isn't like her" Y/N sighs "But she did it completely naked with Robbie in our bed she reassured me he was just a friend multiple times but once I go off for months for a movie role they decide to fuck I just have to move on look for another place to live" Scarlett remembered something "The home next is going on the market you should totally make an offer and WE'LL BE NEIGHBORS!" Y/N laughs then suddenly his cellphones begins to ring and sees it's Elizabeth calling as he was about to answer Scarlett snatches the phone and answers "You have some nerve Liz I can't fucking believe you Y/N was nothing but amazing to you no I'm not gonna pass the phone to him he's heartbroken the best thing for you to do is give him space and leave him alone" she hangs up the phone. "What I'm gonna do Scar in a month we have the Civil War press tour and I'm constantly gonna be around her doing interviews" Y/N says as he buries his face into his hands. "We'll talk about that when the time comes just for now get some sleep" Scarlett gives him a hug "Thanks again Scar" Y/N cracks a smile "No worry that's what big sisters do now go get sleep you need goodnight" as she exist the room, Y/N quickly falls asleep

3 weeks later April 20, 2016

Y/N moved out of the apartment and has bought the home next to Scarlett the home hasn't been fully furnished yet unopened and half open boxes everywhere in the living room he's talking to his assistant Leigh "Where's the first stop on the press tour Leigh?" Y/N asks while walking back and forth "First stop is gonna be Seoul" with her IPad in hand "I love South Korea I've been studying up on my Korean" Leigh laughs "The first interview there will be on a music show called M Countdown with a performance by kpop girl group Twice" "What type of music do they play" looking at Leigh "Uhhh Kpop Korean pop" looking at him confused "Ahhhh right right right Imma have to listen to some of their stuff" grabs his laptop and plays the first song of them he sees on YouTube titled "Like OOH-AHH"

As he watches the music video one specific member catches his eye and his assistant is quickly to notice

"That's Jihyo the leader of the group" as she say Y/N can't stop looking at her thinking how beautiful she is "Earth to Y/N hellooooooo" waving her hands "uhhh sorry lost my train of thought for moment" pausing the video "Hmmmm or is it because of...

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"That's Jihyo the leader of the group" as she say Y/N can't stop looking at her thinking how beautiful she is "Earth to Y/N hellooooooo" waving her hands "uhhh sorry lost my train of thought for moment" pausing the video "Hmmmm or is it because of her"teasing "I got recommendations of certain songs you should listen to from them" grabbing her iPod from her purse "I never knew you liked Kpop Leigh" Y/N says as he chuckles "I have a life outside of being the worlds best assistant Y/N I have to go date night with my boyfriend" she stands up and walks to the front door "Right say Hi to Danny for me" as he walks with to the door "How about you join us Danny would love to see you" Leigh smiles "Na it's okay plus it's your guys date night enjoy it you two" Y/N opens the door for her "Alright but we're having a cookout here no discussion about it this weekend I hate leaving you by yourself in this big house" "Alright sounds good I'll invite some of the avengers over too except for who shall not be named" Y/N laughs "Okay eat something you looking a little thin" Leigh teases "Are you my mom or my assistant see you tomorrow " Y/N laughing hugs her and sees her drive off then closes the door "So many boxes left to be unpacked" but decides to unpack his PlayStation and play Tekken 7 with some friends online. After a couple of hours he tells his friends he's getting off and decides to order some take out. After the food arrives he grabs his laptop and heads to dining room he opens the laptop and sees the music video is still paused he decides to listen to more of the girl group. He begins to enjoy their music more and more and unbeknownst to him he started to have a crush on the leader Jihyo admiring her beautiful brown eyes and breathtaking smile he lost track of time seeing a bunch of their live performances on YouTube he decides to head to bed he says to himself "I doubt she would be into someone like me not even sure if kpop stars can date foreigners" But it was far from the truth he doesn't know that she has a huge crush on him too with the press tour quickly approaching it's only a matter of time till they both meet

A/N: Another chapter in the books hope you guys like it and we one step closer of them meeting but just know it won't be easy for Y/N and Jihyo in the near future cause of shall not be named wants to win Y/N back see you guys in the next chapter!!

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