Chapter 7

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Jihyo POV:
It's been a few weeks since Y/N and I started going out but not officially dating due the strict no dating rule JYP has placed on us for our first 3 years as a group but I decided to speak to him and ask if there's any way he could let us slide cause I really like Y/N. Right now he's back in Los Angeles getting ready for the red carpet premiere of Civil War which is happening in about 2 weeks. Then my cell phones starts to ring and it's Y/N calling and i immediately answer "Hey Y/N I was thinking about you" as I smirk "Hola hermosa" (Hi beautiful) he says in Spanish he knows I like it when he speaks in Spanish "Ohh really? Good thing I called then, I wanted to ask if you would like to join me for the red carpet premiere of Civil War?" And I immediately answer "Yes! I mean yea I would love to join you" blushing "Perfect! I'll get everything for you so can stay at my place I'll pay for the travel expenses. Also have you talked to JYP yet?" "I was just about to head out and go to his office and ask him if it's possible for him to let us slide on the dating ban" as I grab my bag and car keys "Great cause we can finally make it official and I can finally call you my girlfriend" he says in a flirty voice "Y/N L/N are you trying to seduce me?" "Maybe? Why is it working?" "Maybe...... I'm about to head out to his office" "Alright text me when you get there and knock on wood that he supports the idea of us dating" "Okay I'll talk to you after I've finished speaking with JYP bye Y/N" "Bye hermosa" I hung the phone and get inside my car and make my way to JYP entertainment.

1 Hour Later

That traffic was horrible finally I've arrived at JYP entertainment and make my inside and take the elevator to the floor of his office. Once I get off the elevator I make my way to his office then I proceed to knock on his door and I hear him say "come in" then I go inside his office "Jihyo what a lovely surprise what's brings you in today" JYP smiles. I took a seat and say "Hi JYP I came to talk to you about our dating ban rule" i shyly say. "Let me guess you and Y/N want to be officially a couple?" "Uh yes how'd you know that" I confusingly say "Cause Y/N came to me personally before he left back to the states about you two dating he pleaded his case and I can see that he really likes you Jihyo you should've seen that twinkle in his eye when he was talking about you..... and I gave it a lot of thought and I decided to let you date him but under one condition that your main focus will be on twice the girls still need their leader so please promise me that" "Yes!! Of course the group will be my main focus cross my heart!" "Good I'll let you two decide on how you guys want to announce that you two are officially a couple" "That's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about Y/N has invited me...." "To the Civil War premiere yea I know he also talked to me about letting you fly to LA for the premiere and I said yes so go enjoy yourself but remember..." "Twice is my main focus got it thank you" I say then bow and excitedly run out his office and make my way to the twice dorm to pack for my trip to LA.

Jihyo gave me the great news that JYP has given us the okay to date and honestly I couldn't be happier Jihyo is the greatest thing that has happened to me ever since breaking up with Elizabeth I thought I won't ever find the right girl but all that changed when I met Jihyo. Now I have to get everything cleaned up cause frankly my house is a mess luckily she arrives tomorrow night gives me enough time to clean up

The next day

The next day

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Two Different Worlds (Twice Jihyo X Malereader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt