Chapter 4

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LAX April 24th, 2016

Some of the main cast of Civil War consisting of Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Y/N L/N, and lastly Elizabeth Olsen shockingly not with her new boyfriend Robbie meet up at LAX to catch their flight to South Korea. Y/N and Chris both carpooled to the airport and see the rest of the cast and say their hellos while Y/N ignores one cast member. Elizabeth walks up to Y/N but he coldly walks past her and hugs his big "sister" Scarlett and they walk to the TSA line to go past security. Elizabeth just stares at the two then Evans comes up to her "Can you blame him Liz? He needs time to move on" "But I want to fix things with him I know I hurt him badly" Elizabeth sadly says "Where's Robbie anyways?" Chris curiously asks "He had to leave town with his band it was a last min thing" Elizabeth says (A/N: Foreshadowing?????) "NOW BOARDING FLIGHT 157 TO INCHEON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SOUTH KOREA" "Come on let's get going Liz" Evans carrying his luggage with Elizabeth quickly follows.

As the cast makes their way through security they continue to walks to their terminal while getting bombarded by paparazzi especially Y/N constantly asking him how's he doing after the breakup Elizabeth sees from a distance how Y/N is surrounded by the paparazzi, they finally make it inside their flight and take their designated seats. Y/N takes a deep breath over the intercom a flight attendant says "Welcome everyone and thanking you for flying Korean Air our flight to Seoul South Korea will take off momentarily so please turn off all electronic devices then once in the sky you can turn them back on and thank you once again for flying Korean Air" Scar looking at Y/N "are you okay?" "Yea why shouldn't I be?" Y/N sighs "You know why" Scar says with a sweet smile "If this is about Elizabeth I'm fine I could care less about her we're here to promote our movie and that's it" Y/N crosses his arms "Alright just making sure" Scar grabs a book from her bag. The pilot speaks over the intercom "Ladies and Gentlemen please fasten your seatbelts we're taking off in a few minutes eta to Seoul 14 hours" then the plane takes is on its way to South Korea Y/N grabs his iPod and puts on his headphones and plays Shadow Moses by Bring Me The Horizon one of his favorite metal core bands

Then the next songs plays and it was twice he remembered that he bought some of their songs on iTunes and put them on his iPod "Whatcha listening to?" Scar ask then Y/N hands her his headphones and she placed them on after a few seconds she takes them off "Is this that Korean girl group with one of the girls you have a crush on??" as Scar says while taking off the headphones Y/N began to blush "Leigh told huh?" Y/N chuckles "It's just a little stupid crush Scar it's not like it's gonna love at first sight when we meet them when we do the interview this Thursday" "It's cute you getting all red when I asked you about her and hey you may never know crazier things has happened" she says as begins to read her book. Y/N thinking to himself "this is gonna be a long flight"

14 Hours Later Seoul South Korea

After landing in Seoul Scar and Y/N catches a cab to their hotel the Grand Hyatt hotel. Once they arrive Y/N checks in and makes his way to his room until the one who shall not be named comes us to him "Y/N wait can we please talk?" Y/N continues to walk towards the elevators "There's nothing to talk about Elizabeth we both gone our separate ways after what happened in our apartment well it's your apartment now. I'm happy where I'm at right now bought a house and everything so please leave me alone" he presses the button to call the elevator "I want to at least fix our friendship please" pleading to Y/N "Are you listening to yourself? What you did can't be fixed move on like I did you're already in a relationship with the guy you cheated on me with. Anyways where's the asshole?" "His name is Robbie and he had to leave town with his band" Elizabeth says "Hmmm interesting" Y/N says as the elevator finally opens its doors "What does that mean?" She says angrily "Well it means you should really check on him to see if he's actually with his band. Now if you excuse me I have a queen size bed waiting for me" as he steps inside and goes up to the floor of his room with Elizabeth just frozen in place wondering if Robbie was actually telling the truth about his band

A Few days later

It's the day of the interview at the music show M Countdown Y/N is getting ready decides to keep
It causal going for a all black rocker outfit

It's the day of the interview at the music show M Countdown Y/N is getting ready decides to keepIt causal going for a all black rocker outfit

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Once ready he waits at the lobby of the hotel for his assistant Leigh and for scar. Then spots Elizabeth getting out of the elevator and can't deny that she looks beautiful with the outfit she decided to wear

 Then spots Elizabeth getting out of the elevator and can't deny that she looks beautiful with the outfit she decided to wear

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A/N: In this story Elizabeth is younger she's the same age as Y/N

Then he hears Scar calling him "Wow you always to clean up nicely Y/N"Scar smiling "Thanks Sis, so Leigh who's gonna be with me at the interview in this music show" he says as he runs his hand through his hair "Well it's gonna be you, scar, Sebastian, Evans and uhhhhh Elizabeth" she says as she awkwardly smiles. "Ugh fine whatever let's get this over with"he says as they head to the van that's gonna transport them to the studio. Once they arrived they are greeted by the host of the show along with their translator "안녕하세요 여러분, 오늘 저희 쇼 장소에 여러분을 모시게 되어 영광입니다. 스튜디오를 둘러보겠습니다." (Hello everyone it's an honor to have you guys today on our show place come inside and we'll give you a tour around the studio) Scar whispering to Leigh and Y/N "What did they say?" "They're happy to have us and that they'll give us a tour around the studio" Y/N whispers "You know Korean??" Scar whispers "Yes but also that's what the translator just said so pay attention" Y/N chuckles as Scar playfully smacks his arm. The group enters the studio after a few minutes they reach the main stage where the show is filmed. Y/N distracted by his phone bumps into someone "I'm terribly sorry I should pay attention where I walk" as he quickly checks on the person he bumped into "괜찮아 나도 관심을 두지 않았어" (That's okay I was paying attention neither) as she looks and sees who it was and was shocked then Y/N was as well taken away on who it was he knew those beautiful brown eyes

 Y/N distracted by his phone bumps into someone "I'm terribly sorry I should pay attention where I walk" as he quickly checks on the person he bumped into "괜찮아 나도 관심을 두지 않았어" (That's okay I was paying attention neither) as she looks and sees who i...

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They both haven't said a word yet just looked into each others but also another pair of eyes was looking at them Elizabeth seeing them from afar but couldn't help but feel jealous. Then Y/N finally came to his senses and say "안녕"(Hi) then jihyo speaks up "안녕"(Hi) as they continue to look into each other's eyes

A/N: And scene!!! I know towards the end it for a bit cheesy but decided to implement a bit of Kdrama inspiration into the story. They has finally met!!! What's in store for the two??? Stay tuned!! And see you in the next chapter

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