Chapter 13

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Deliah's POV

I've been sitting at the kitchen table for about ten minutes now, trying to think of a lie. I feel bad for lying to her, but she's really given me no choice. I just need to get this over with. it's almost one now and that's when Harry told me to meet him. "Hey Baby, I need to leave the house for a little bit. Will you be okay by yourself?"

"What!?" Baby exclaims. "Why are you leaving? I thought we were going to hang out today."

I can't exactly tell her where I'm going. She'd just be suspicious. "Oh, you know, I have a tutoring session today."

"What do you mean? You've never had tutoring before. Also, I thought you do pretty well in school."

"I do but um... Dad just wanted me to do this so I wouldn't get rusty over the summer."

Baby looks closely at my face. "Dels, that's the face you make when you're lying."

"It is not!" I yell. "I promise you this is something Dad wanted me to do."

"I guess this does sound like something he'd do". Baby leans up against the counter. "Doesn't he know summers are for having fun, not studying?"

"I know you don't want to be left alone Baby, but I have to do this. I promise we'll do something together tomorrow, okay."

"I guess. Just please don't be gone for nine hours again".

"I won't Baby, I promise", I say while hugging her.

I quickly walk over to Harry's house to meet him. Hopefully I'm not too late. I walk up to his driveway to see him standing outside.

"Hey, Harry!", I shout "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I guess", he says. "My moms going to drive us if that's okay."

"Well, I wasn't really planning on walking."

Okay you kids, are you ready to go Sharon asks.

Yeah, I guess so. Are you ready Deliah? Harry asks.

I am. Let's go!

After a short car ride, we arrive at the circus. Sharon drives to the entrance so we don't have to walk as far. After getting out, Sharon waves goodbye to us.

"You two kids have fun Sharon says happily. I'll be back to pick you up in two hours, alright."

"Okay Mom, bye", Harry says.

"So Harry, how exactly are we going to get in again? I ask.

"Ellie said she'd meet us at the entrance."

"Hey, Harry!" A blonde girl yells. I feel like I've seen her somewhere before. "Harry! You better hurry up if you want to get in with your little girlfriend."

"She's not my girlfriend Ellie."

"Sure, anyways if you two will come over here I can bring you through the employee entrance."

As we're walking through, I realize this is the same building I had to lure Freddy into before.

"Hey you're Deliah, right?" Ellie asks.

"Yeah, that's me."

"Aren't you the girl who got lost here like a month ago?"

"Uh, yeah. Wait are you the one who had to call my dad over the intercom?"

"Yeah, that was me. You looked so scared, it was actually kind of sad. Are you sure you two will be fine alone? You wouldn't want a repeat of what happened last time."

Baby & Deliah (A Springtrap & Deliah AU)Where stories live. Discover now