Chapter 3

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Deliah's POV

It's been a week since Dad and I went to the circus. Baby is all that's been on my mind lately. Who is she, Where did she come from, and how is she alive? I just wish I had more to do over the summer to distract me from this. It's been difficult to not think about my experience with her. School doesn't start for a few more weeks anyways, and Dad's busy with work so I have no one to talk to during the day.

Baby's just made me very confused. I've never seen a robot as advanced as her before. The circus has plenty of other animatronics, but they all seem to act fairly robotic. I just don't get how she's the older model. Maybe Google can answer this.

I search how advanced ai has become, and although this tech has become pretty advanced, nothing seems to be on the same level as her. Even some of the most advanced robots don't feel very alive.

Given the fact that I have nothing to do today, I may as well lie down to take a nap until Dad gets home. Maybe my dream will give me an answer.


After laying down for a while I open my eyes to see that I'm no longer in my room. I'm in some sort of creepy elevator. It's moving pretty fast, far faster than elevators are supposed to go. It seems pretty advanced, with buttons and panels all over the walls. I would try to press something but I'm afraid something bad will happen if I do.


*The elevator stopped*

The door flew open and I was met with a very strange sight. There was nothing but a vent and some caution tape on the other side. There's no way I'm crawling through that. I try to look for a button that will make the elevator go back up, but no matter what I try, none of the buttons will work.

"This is just great," I say aloud. "Why does everything bad have to happen to me?"

Saying that out loud may not have been my smartest move. I have no idea what could possibly be down here, but I'm sure it's nothing good. I guess there's nothing I can do but crawl through this vent. As I crawl through I swear I can hear whispers coming from the walls; I just can't make out what they're saying. 

I suddenly hear a voice shout "Motion trigger, Circus gallery vent".

I've got no idea what that means, but it can't be good, I start to go through the vent as fast as I can. If something is down here with me, I need to leave before it finds me. I see a light  up ahead and am praying that it's an exit. I crawl out of the vent only to be met with a strange room. The room was filled with many screens and, oh great, more buttons. There are also some weird puppets on the wall. I see what looks to be a window and walk up to it. Unfortunately, it's too dark to see inside. As my eyes scan across the room I notice a poster of a familiar animatronic.

"That look's like Baby"

It had to be her, although this Baby looked a bit different. She was definitely in better condition than the one I know. Suddenly a light flashed on behind the glass to reveal an animatronic standing there.

"Baby!" I shout.

The clown stood there with a blank expression on her face staring directly at me.

"Hello..." I say timidly.

"I don't recognize you, are you new," she asks in a quiet voice?

"You could say that..." I say trying to remain calm.

"Well", she says, "Welcome to C..."

Suddenly the lights dim. A voice starts to talk over the speakers. 

"Uh-oh, it looks like Baby doesn't feel performing. Let's give her some motivation," the  voice says.

Suddenly, Baby's room was filled with an electric current. She started to shake rapidly and scream. Even though she's a robot, I could tell she was in pain.

Stop, you're hurting her!," I shout, but the voice didn't care. It continued to shock her until she fell over and stopped moving entirely.



I wake up to my dad standing next to my bed.

"Dels, sweetie, what was that. Are you alright?"

I look around my room for a second, still dazed from just waking up. Thank God it was just a dream.

"I'm fine Dad," I say. "I just had a bad dream is all."

"Are you hungry, 'cause I just finished making dinner?"

If he's already made dinner, that means I was asleep for quite a while, yet I still feel tired.

"Yeah Dad, that sounds great. I'll be down in a second".

I stare out my window, trying to process the dream I just had.

What could it all have meant, I wonder.

"I've got to go see her".

Baby & Deliah (A Springtrap & Deliah AU)Where stories live. Discover now