Chapter 4

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Deliah's POV

I've got no clue how I can go check on Baby. I'd ask Dad if we could go back but I doubt he'll let me out of his sight after last time. Also, I don't think we can afford another trip there. Maybe there's a sale coming up on tickets or something. I go onto the website and to my surprise the circus is closed for maintenance tomorrow. 

"Deliah!, dinners getting cold," Dad shouted from downstairs.

"Just a sec!"

This could be my chance to sneak in.


The next day

As I wave goodbye to Dad I start to think about how this could work. The circus isn't that far away, but on foot, I may struggle. I guess I could just ride my bike. I pull up the directions on my phone and hop on my bike. And just like that, I'm going to the circus alone. On my way there I begin to think of all the bad things that could happen. Even if I'm safe, Dad would be so pissed if he found out I left home. But there is no time to worry about that. I have to see if Baby is okay. After that dream yesterday, I feel like there may be something dark happening in the circus.

After about half an hour I arrive at the circus and thankfully there aren't any cars in the parking lot. I was sure that at least someone would be here but it doesn't look like it. Even the entrance is sealed off as if no one came in today. Although there could always be a side entrance for technicians. I then remember that the alleyway near the storage room had a gate. With how few people had visited that area that they may have left it unlocked. I walk around the fence until I see the gate. Unfortunately, it's locked, but the lock seems to be quite rusty. I might be able to break it but, I don't need to be caught destroying property. As I turn around to leave I begin to think about my dream again. If what I saw was real, Baby could be in serious danger. She could even be dead, or whatever the robot equivalent is. I've got to get in. I see a rock lying on the ground and pick it up. I don't think there's and cameras around the back anyways, so hopefully I'm fine. I start to beat the lock with the rock and after three swings it breaks off. 

Wow, that was easier than I thought. Maybe the staff will believe it fell off by itself. Thankfully I'm already close to the maintenance area so it doesn't take too long to get to the storage closet. I walk up to the door and see that it's shut. Hopefully no one else has been in here. It was just a dream, right? I walk up to the door and knock on it.

"Baby, are you in there," I shout.

No response.

I really don't want to just walk in there again. Isn't that sort of a breach of privacy. Even though she's a robot she still to be treated fairly. I knock on the door once more.

Still nothing.

Well, if Baby's not going to answer me then she's left me no choice.

I gently open the door...

I walk into the room in search of Baby. Hopefully she's still here. I never did find where the light switch was last time and I probably should have brought a flashlight with me. Maybe there's another one on the workbench. If I can even find it that is. I try to make my way to the corner when I hear something behind me. Suddenly something touches my shoulders. My heart stops.


"I turn around and push whatever grabbed me before running away."


I hit the wall and fell to the ground.

The lights cut on

Suddenly I see Baby standing over me.

"I'm so sorry sweetie," Baby said. "I didn't mean for you to get hurt.

She helps me to my feet and embraces me with a hug.

"It's alright, I'm just happy to see you're okay. Why didn't you say anything when I knocked on the door".

"Well, to be honest with you. I kind of thought I was hallucinating. I just knew there was no way you'd be back. Yet here you are."

"I was just worried about you. Have you been doing alright, I ask?"

"Other than being locked in a supply closet, I've been great. Why would you think I wouldn't be fine. It's not like me living here is new."

"Well, I just had a feeling something had happened. I mean, it's not every day you see a living animatronic."

"Living?" Baby said puzzle. "I'm... I'm not-"

"Oh come on Baby, I've seen the other animatronics here. They're way more robotic than you. You even said it yourself. You're different."

"Well, I may be different... but that doesn't mean anything. So let's just move on from this."

"I just really want to know. How are you alive? Are you possessed?"

"Deliah STOP! Don't make me say it again."

"Oh come on, it can't be so bad."

"Deliah, I MEAN it. Stop it or you gonna get hurt."

"What? I'm not afraid of you, Baby! Are you scared I'm gonna find out you murdered someone or-"


"You will listen to me, understand!" Baby shouts.

Baby grabs my arm extremely tightly.

"Please stop", I cry. "You're crushing my arm. Please!"

"Will you listen to me next time?"

"I will, I will. Just please let me go?"

I look up at Baby. She seems t have a sad look on her face.

"I'm sorry Deliah", she says.

I don't respond. All I can think about is the searing pain in my arm.

"I think you should leave," Baby says sadly.

"Wait!" I shout, "I promise I won't talk about it anymore".

"Leave NOW!" she shouts.

I quickly leave the room before she can hurt me again. I'd like to think she wound, but I'm just not sure anymore. I quickly shut the door behind me. 

Now what?

I came all the way here to not get a single answer. Well, at least I know she's okay. I guess that means what I saw in my dream wasn't real after all.

Baby & Deliah (A Springtrap & Deliah AU)Where stories live. Discover now