I like you

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It was now after tryouts. Nelson and I decided to go get ice cream together. We had cam drop us off because "you guys are you young to walk around by yourself" but he left right after. While getting out ice cream we had one problem. Not enough money for two. So we had to share.

"This is some good ice cream." Nelson spoke up

" for real bro." Brunette spoke

"Hey Lorelei. Have a question" Nelson asked

"What's up?" Lorelei said lifting her head.

"Have you dated anyone or liked anyone." The boy asked nervously.

" what do you mean like my kindergarten crush form the playground? The girl laughed at her own joke.

"No like real shit."Nelson said changing his tone.

"Well there us this one boy that I like at the moment."

Nelson's face dropped

"What's wrong? You can talk to me Nelson." Lorelei said in confusion

"Can we go back home."

"Yeah, I'll call cam now. We can talk once we get back."

Cam? 💩

Can you come pick us up?

Cam? 💩
Damn you're done already?
But yeah be there in 5.

"He'll be here in 5."

The two sat in silence after that. But cam was there quickly. Nelson and i sat in the back together. I wonder if I should tell him or not. Lorelei has always been overthinking stupid things like this for a while now.

What if Nelson finds out about this.

What if cam found out about my love for Nelson.

"Are you coming Lorelei?" Cam said snapping the girl out of her thoughts.

They get out and Nelson was upstairs already. Lorelei ran up stairs to find them in their shared bed room in their Airbnb. She found Nelson laying on the bed scrolling on his phone.

"Nelson. I need to tell you something." Lorelei confessed.

"Yeah what's up."

"I like you Nelson."

Sophia speaks

Im thinking of changing Lorelei's face claim but whatever. Also I want your opinion on this please.

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