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*For those that don't remember, this is the official ship name I gave Camilla and Ethan on all the character's love development. You are free to use this one or another one. So yes, this chapter is about those two. Enjoy!*

Camilla's pov

I feel so hopeless right now and I have the right to be. With everything that happened at the party and everything that happened between Ethan and me, I thought things would have changed but it hasn't and that scares me.

At the disastrous party, I was forced to admit that I was trans to Ethan and thinking about it still makes me cry. It was horrible having to say it that way. Everything was going so well between Ethan and me and I thought I could finally have a guy that likes me, like a normal guy, but no Joshua had to ruin everything.

Why did Joshua have to intervene like that? He screwed up everything and the worse part is that Ethan thought I was a real girl. Now that Joshua did what he did, Ethan knows I'm not biologically a girl and that ruins everything.

I still can't forget how he reacted afterwards. He wasn't mean, disgusted or transphobic as I thought he'd be, his reaction was surprising, yet disappointing. He revealed the one thing I'll never forget and hope is still the same, he likes me. He has feelings for me! This is the first time a guy liked me!

Though, I admit it hurt when he was confused about his feelings toward me because he didn't know if he liked a guy or a girl. He was utterly confused and I get that because I wish I could've told him somewhere else than at a party. It didn't help when he started saying he liked me in a non-sexual way. So confusing...

Regardless, I wasn't the only one with a huge secret, he had one too and a bad one. I was terrified when he said he sells drugs and he did when I was there. How can he sell drugs at 15 illegally?! That's dangerous!

Not gonna lie, I had heard the rumours circling about him but I didn't think much of it as I thought it was just a rumour.

Now that I know it's true, it scares me. I wanted to ask Ethan questions but I hadn't gotten the courage to do so.

Selling drugs is a bad thing and it's what gangsters or criminals too but for some reason I find it hard to see Ethan that way. Yeah, he can be a bit crazy with his ideas and careless but he's not that bad. He's not cruel and I know that he might just be misunderstood.

Despite how bad it is, I can't help but still be hopelessly in love with Ethan. I'm still in love with Ethan despite all his imperfections and I wish it's still the same.

Through, why would he sell drugs? It makes less sense with something else I found out that night.

After I found out, Ethan decided that we should leave the party together which shocked me because we were both still spooked about each other's revaluations.

Regardless, he brought me to his house and that shocked me a lot but we didn't go in. I was even more shocked when I saw the huge mansion it was. It meant Ethan was rich, no his family was loaded.

After my initial shock, Ethan told me to never talk about this and never tell anyone else, why does he want to hide the fact he's rich?

After that, he told me to leave.

Since that day, things between Ethan and I haven't been the same. We still hang out together but he has been mostly pretending nothing happened and avoids the subject. If I had the courage, I would bring up what happened but I haven't been able to do so.

Maybe the fact he doesn't want to talk about it is because the whole school knows he's a drug dealer and everyone doesn't want to do anything with him. I feel so bad for him, even if it's bad he does, he doesn't deserve it.

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