Blake's profile

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Blake Hamilton
Representative of the intersex gender
Birthday: September 10th, 2007
Age: 15 (not IRL)
Zodiac sign: Virgo
MBTI type: INTP-A (Logician)
Gender identity: Intersex/male
Sexuality: Straight
Height: 5.9 ft or 1.75 m
Weight: 189 IBS or 85.7 kg
Nationality: American
Condition: Differences in Intersex autonomy, female reproductive system and slightly different genitals
Known as: The best journalist at Rochester High
Love status: Single
Love interest: No one at the moment
Hates (only known ones): No one
Likes: Writing, journalism, research things, statistics
Dislikes: Popularity, being body shamed, not being in his comfort zone, untrustworthy people

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