Before he left his suite to meet the rest of the group and inform them of his plans Hector looked at his wall. Many posters and weapons decorated the wall which was where his fireplace was.

Mistral was downright shocked to hear that he had killed half of the Brawnwen tribe alongside Raven's second in command. Soon everyone started calling him a name that would be remembered for generations:

The Mad Bounty Hunter of Remnant.

The name that many criminals, terrorists and rogue Huntsmen alike feared.
His hunts that took him all over Remnant, which left piles of bodies after he left. Half of them were actually cheering him on while the other half wanted him locked up and sent to the insane asylum. With Mistral's bill passing denying him of reward money Hector sighed and headed out the door.


"You've got to be fucking me."

Hector said to himself as he saw Atlas ships patrol through the sky. He could say that Ironwood was ready to betray Ozpin in the back, but knowing how Ironwood is thanks to Qrow, he safety say that he was paranoid. But it would make his trip to Beacon a little tricky without people and now military personnel stopping him.
Sneaking off the large air shuttle coming back to Beacon Hector quickly made his way to Ozpin's tower which upon entering he came face to face with an Atlas soldiers who aimed their guns at him.

"It's him! The Bounty Hunter!" One yelled out before another one said,

"Here to take out general Ironwood I see."

Hector being the calm yet foul mouthed person he was then replied,

"I have a meeting with your boss dumbass."

"That's got to be the biggest-"
"Ah Bounty you're here."

The soldiers then whipped around and saw Ozpin himself there with his signature cane and mug in hand.
"Don't worry sir. He'll be in chains before-"

"That won't be necessary. Ironwood took down the bounty on him personally. Now if I'm sure you wouldn't want to disobey the general's order correct?" Ozpin replied which

The soldier then huffed out,
"Fine." Before backing off aswell as his partner. However Hector couldn't help chuckle at him to otherwise say,

Ha! Fuck you!

As Hector and Ozpin entered elevator it was awkward silence from there. Ozpin was experienced enough to sense auras all around him with ease but Hector was practically undetectable.

Like the vacuum of space it was cold and empty. However when he "looked" deeper, he could feel emotions bubbling as if ready to explode. Those being anger, sadness, dread and hate, which Ozpin took a mental note of before the elevator door opened.

"If it isn't too much to ask, please try and be professional while debriefing us on your findings." Ozpin said which Hector responded by saying,

"One professional Hector coming right up."

Ozpin then opened the door for Hector to find Glynda conversing with Amber on the left side of Ozpin's desk while Ironwood looked at his watch on the right side with Qrow with his flask.

All three of them turned towards the now famed Mad Bounty Hunter of Remnant whi ch Amber greeted him.

"H-Hi Hector."

"Amber, how have you been?" Hector said being polite.

"Good, just... keeping up with training." She replied which Hector turned to Glynda to greet.

"Ms. Goodwitch." He said plainly which she replied in kind.
"Mr. De La Cruz."

Then came to greet the man who he made his best operative look like a fool.

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