12. Up all night

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Angel's Pov

Bae and I were editing late into the night, fueled by numerous cans of energy drinks. It was already 4 AM and we were both exhausted. We had been working on a editing for a new music video for the past few weeks and we were getting close to the finish line. However, the pressure was on as we only had a few days left to complete the project.

"I don't know how we're going to film tomorrow," Bae complained. As he's like a little brother to me, I felt bad seeing the dark circles under his eyes and his messy hair. I reassured him that Tyler would understand and urged him to get some rest. "Go to bed, Bae. Don't stress. You need to sleep," I said, gently pushing him towards his bed.

As Bae drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but think about how much work we still had to do. I knew that we needed to make some adjustments to the script before we could start filming the next day. I decided to pull an all-nighter to get it done. I worked tirelessly, my fingers typing away on the keyboard as I tried to make the necessary changes.

Hours passed and the sun began to rise. I looked over at Bae, who was still sound asleep in his bed. I felt a sense of relief knowing that he was getting the rest that he needed. I knew that we had a long day ahead of us, but I also knew that we were capable of getting the job done.

Finally, I finished the editing and crawled in my bed across from Bae's and closed my eyes and fell asleep, knowing that the next day would be just as challenging, but we were ready for it. We had each other's backs and we were determined to finish the project no matter what.

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