11. Roomates

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Ryan's Pov

I was lying in bed, feeling exhausted and ready to doze off, when I suddenly heard Justin's laughter. I opened my eyes and glanced over at him, only to see him sitting at his desk, completely engrossed in playing Pokemon Go. Despite feeling a bit irritated that he was being loud and waking me up, I couldn't help but smile at how silly his laughter sounded.

"Justin, can you please keep it down? I'm trying to sleep," I requested, hoping he would comply. "Sorry about that," Justin responded, looking a bit sheepish. He turned down the volume on his phone and continued playing, but this time, he was much quieter.

Feeling grateful for his cooperation, I snuggled back into my warm blankets and tried to drift off to sleep once more. As I lay there, I couldn't help but reflect on how lucky I was to have such a considerate and thoughtful roommate. Despite our occasional disagreements and differences in personality, we always managed to work things out and get along.

Eventually, my eyelids grew heavy, and I slipped into a peaceful slumber, feeling grateful for the small moments of kindness that made up my life.I was laying in bed when I here Justin laugh and I look over to see him at his desk on pokemon go. I can never get over how funny his laugh is. " Justin can you be quiet I'm tring to sleep "I say to him " my bad " Justin replyed I got cuddled back up in my blankets and fell asleep.

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