5. Sebastian Moy

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As I spent more time with Sebastian, I realized that his kindness wasn't limited to just me. He was genuinely a warm-hearted person who treated everyone with respect and compassion. We spent a couple minutes talking and I just loved those minutes.

Despite his towering height, Sebastian was incredibly gentle and considerate. He always made sure that the stars felt comfortable and safe in his presence and I could tell. I felt like I could be myself around him without fear of judgment. He had a way of making me feel seen and heard, and I appreciated that about him.

His humor was infectious, and I found myself laughing at his jokes even when they weren't that funny. He had a way of making the mundane seem interesting and the difficult seem conquerable. I admired his positive attitude and his ability to find joy in the little things.

Overall, spending time with Sebastian was an incredible experience. He taught me the importance of kindness, humor, and compassion. I will always cherish the memories we made together.

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