I like it.. Picasso

Start from the beginning

So now it was about deciding if Jasper was asking the question to try to help him figure out what she was, or if he was gonna set her up to make a joke. Or both?

"Longer than your average student I'm sure" replied Sage calmly as she continued to paint away at the Starry Night.

Jasper hummed noncommittally, his hands never ceasing their intricate work on his sculpture. "I'm sure you've been practicing for much longer.. decades even yes?"

Sage's paintbrush stilled in her hands and she cut her eyes at him from where she sat, which happened to be directly in the seat next to him.

He had asked a Yes or No question.

Sly Sly Sly melancholic vampire. Did he know? Had he figured out she couldn't lie. Was he just messing with her.

Sage squinted at him, trying her hardest to see his angle. Maybe he was just asking because he wanted to know her answer. But then again, he hadn't lowered his voice to a level humans couldn't hear, so in doing that he'd cornered her a bit, surely she would have to answer now.

So then that led Sage to wonder had he figured out she couldn't lie?

She was beginning to thinking in circles.

Did Jasper feel her confusion? Was this a scheme? Was he just playing with her to see what questions got a rise out of her and then from there try and use that information to figure out what she was?

Not that vampires couldn't know they were fairies.

More along the lines of the Hallow's liking their privacy and their "long and rather unpleasant murder filled past with vampires" having some say in it. Family stuff.

Better to just keep to yourselves and the tribe down the Rez .

Iniya laughed, her voice light and completely unaware of the intense staring (glaring) contest happening between Jasper and Sage.

"What a weird question to ask" she giggled, momentarily stopping her painting. "Sage is the youngest of us, she's just talented, it's why she's in so many AP classes. I honestly think she's like a prodigy"

Sage couldn't help but role her eyes fondly. "Thank you Iniya, but I can assure you I am no prodigy".

" I second that" piped up Emmett cheekily. "Rose says you do nothing in English... besides distracting her that is".

Sage gasped, pretending to be offended. "Get back to your glue sticks and glitter Cullen".

"This is a masterpiece Hallow, show some respect" shot back Emmett, equally mock offended.

"You wouldn't know what a masterpiece was if it crawled out your arse and sat itself down right in front of you" snarked back Sage with an arched eyebrow.

"Your painting looks like it crawled out of an arse and died" muttered back Emmett, mock offense slipping away into something a bit more real.

Sage scowled, Jasper rolled his eyes and Iniya stiffed a snicker.

Yeah.. Art was definitely more interesting now.



"Hi... Is this a bad time to call? I need to rant"
Leah's voice was just as distinct to Sage's ears, even over the phone.

Sage had been lounging on her forest green bedsheets as she often did after school, simply doing nothing but watching the rain hit her windows and the tall trees outside.

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