Author's Note

13 1 0

Note 1

What you're about to read is the final manuscript of the Alien Dragons books pre-editing. As a result, many chapters have plot holes or inconsistencies that have not been addressed yet by the author.

The final, polished version of the books will be uploaded onto Wattpad in the future.

Note 2

These Alien Dragons deals with real-world issues in the 2020s like corrupt politicians, war with global superpowers, totalitarianism, and accepting lies as reality. If you back these issues as "good" or are squeamish about them, do not read this series.

Note 3

From December 2023-2024, this series is being rewritten. The original books 1 and 2 (Turning Tides and Raging Fires) will be kept up on Wattpad, despite this.

Originally published: 07/26/2023 (added manuscript and content notes); edited: 12/08/2023 (added note about series being rewritten)

These Alien DragonsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant