Chapter 5 (T.T.)

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So this was Vulcan, the leader of the VolcanoWings.

He was large, even larger than Mother, and his black scales were like pure darkness. He stared down at all of us, studying us each with cold, unblinking, fire-colored eyes.

"I hope you haven't' started without me", he rumbled slowly. "That would be... impractical."

"We haven't started without you", Mistral replied. "Please, find somewhere to sit."

Vulcan slowly walking over towards one side of the cave, and I turned around to face Mistral's throne to watch his assistant follow suit. Both dragons placed themselves between the ArcticWings and the FeatherWings, which were close to the throne. His assistant with the sky-creature followed suit.

These were the most dangerous dragons in the world, according to external sources, and we were letting them right into our own territories.

"Uh", one of the FeatherWings gawked at Vulcan's assistant. "You have a sky-creature on your back."

"Oh!" the dragon said. "This is Firehead, and he won't hurt you, unless you provoke him."

Firehead. What an odd name to give your sky-creature.

Owning sky-creatures as pets was rare amongst us dragons. It was more common that the sky-creatures tamed dragons who approached their settlements, not the opposite way around.

"Alright", the StormWing monarch sighed. "Let us formally begin." She handed the black box that was in her talons to the dragon nearest to her throne, which was an ArcticWings.

"I have gathered you all here because of what is passing around. These 'boxes' have been seen taking samples of the Mountain Claws' environment by my dragons. I have also heard reports from others that these same boxes have been taking samples of all of Eukarya's environments. We know that the sky-creatures came here years ago, and took such samples of their surroundings before expanding their settlements, but not with technology with this."

The box was now in the talons of a FeatherWings whose body was covered in black feathers, save for the head which was white, and the beak and scaly legs which were yellow.

Mistral continued.

"If we know where these come from or who made it, we can formulate a plan to defend ourselves and the planet."

The black-and-white FeatherWing had passed the box on to a dark green TreeWing.

Wait, what was a TreeWing doing with FeatherWings? Did they force her to help her or did she agree to help them out of her own willpower?

The dark green dragon studied it, before giving it to a green TreeWing with feathers as her wing membranes.

Was that a... hybrid? And what was it doing here? Did they know that being a hybrid was seen as betrayal to their different parent species?

The TreeWing with the feathered wings passed the box to a DesertWing with pale yellow scales. The yellow dragon snorted at the green dragon with disdain before studying the box.

Mistral said nothing for a while as the box was passed to each dragon before it ended up in my talons.

I studied it, and I noticed that it was larger than the one seen earlier. A several small holes were on one of its sides, and there was one on its bottom. Were these its propellants, like a dragon's wings? Or was it something else?

I felt someone jab my underbelly, and I turned. It was Whirlpool, gesturing that I give the box to him.

I gave it to him after a bit of thought and watched him as he studied the box. He then gave it to Mother, who sat next to him, after a bit. She studied it before letting Swell look at it, before giving it to Seaquake.

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