Chapter 4 (T.T.)

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When I leapt out of the water into the night sky (for the first time since hatching), I flapped my wings hard so I could stabilize myself in the air and become one with it. It was like how OceanWing used the sea to their advantage when swimming in its waters.

I could see that two of the four moons were out – Moons I and III. They were both at different stages in their respective cycles, looking like one was fading and one was coming. Moon I was in its darkening phase, as it was orbiting the side of the planet closest to the sun. Moon III was getting brighter and brighter, as it was orbiting away from the sun around the planet.

Eukarya had four moons orbiting it – Moon I, Moon II, Moon III, and Moon IV. Moon I was the largest of them, while Moon IV was the smallest of them.

Small silver dots freckled the black sky. These were the stars I've heard about, and how the wing scales on an OceanWing resembled them in this sky.

It was quite ethereal, seeing the sky like this.

Ahead of me, a harnessed Swell had gotten used to flying behind Mother. Current was next to me, and Whirlpool and Seaquake were on either of Mother's sides.

"Quite amazing, isn't it?" Current mused about the stars and the moons. His voice was light, like the currents that flowed through the sea. "The moons and the stars. It gives you a feeling of... otherworldliness."

"Remember why Uncle chose you", I reprimanded him. I noticed that my voice sounded like the deepest blue, rumbly and bass.

He snorted. "Of course, I know. He chose me if something were to happen to any one of us, specifically your mother."

I remember that Whitecap had told Mother about choosing Current to report back in case something like war breaking out or another wave of sky-creatures descending on Eukarya. But I had a feeling that it was much worse than that, based on the message that dragon gave us a few sunrises ago.

"A meeting discussing the future of the planet", as they had said.


Dawn had come soon, when we passed through the "claws" of the Clawed Isle. These were really just mountains that jutted out of the sea, and that the chain of them was in the shape of claws.

The first rays of sunlight gave the night sky a dark blue color. Slowly, but surely, more sunlight penetrated the black night and colors such as purple, orange, and red seeped through.

As the sun crawled its way up towards the horizons, pink was added to the sky and orange, purple, and red were intensified.

"Mother, look!" Swell chirped. His voice was high-pitched like a calling bird. "Dawn!"

Mother didn't pay attention to him. I bet was worried about getting us safely to Mistral's palace.

Dawn soon turned into sunrise, and the sky was set ablaze by the sun's light.

And so were our scales.

I looked down and saw that the green egg that was harnessed to me was pale green in the white-gold light.

"Hey, Current", I said, turning my head, hoping to show him the egg, but I couldn't finish my thought.

His blue scales were a pale blue-gold in the sunlight. He looked quite beautiful here, even though he was ordinary in the deep.

"What?" he said.

"Uh", I stammered. "The egg. It was glowing in the sunlight."

He looked at the egg, and noticed is green-gold coloration in the sunrise.

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