Chapter 19 (T.T.)

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Branch fought and roared as his assailant attempted to subdue him.

Blaze snapped his head back, the back of his mouth alight, and shot a long stream of fire at the grappling duo, despite the shrieking of his sky-creature supposedly telling him otherwise.

The dark dragon flung their wings over themselves and Branch, and they were not affected by it at all.

This was a VolcanoWing.

Four moons, Hillock was right.

I bolted into the air, plowing through Branch and the VolcanoWing before hitting the ground with a thud.

The VolcanoWing still had their talons wrapped around Branch as they jabbed their back talons into my underbelly. I keeled over in pain, the same way I keeled when Coral tortured me in her old base.

Except that happened in water, and water couldn't save me now.

A few pews emitted from Silver's metallic stick and the VolcanoWing roared, staggering backwards and clutching their head, letting go of Branch.

The TreeWing took advantage of this, and thrusted his claws into the black dragon's underbelly, pinning them to the ground.

The VolcanoWing roared in pain, frantically looking around and pawing the air as if gripping it would drag themselves to away from Branch.

Blood poured from the wound like the fast-flowing currents of the sea, even as Branch twisted his claws deep into the dragon's underbelly.

I walked towards the VolcanoWing to look at them in the eye before twisting their next, like the last dragon that came across me, and recognized that the dragon was Obsidian.

Something inside me boiled like when I saw Ashes with Sunny in the Community of Coasts a while ago.

"Obsidian", I growled, "what are doing here?"

The VolcanoWing let out a bitter, jagged laugh before he suddenly gasped for air as Branch twisted his green talons again in his underbelly.

"She asked you a question, lizard", Branch seethed. "Answer it."

Obsidian took in big gulps of air in an attempt to hold on.

"Why would I answer a foolish question, One-Eye?", he snarked in a rusty voice.

"I'd ask the same thing, Seastar", spoke a voice in the dark trees.

I shot my head up. A soft whirr came from Silver's stick.

That voice. It felt familiar.

"Whatever this is", I said. "this... attack... is." I couldn't get the words out. "It's going to cause the extinction of everything."

"Oh, I wouldn't call it that", the slithering voice replied, as its owner emerged from the shadows. A silver earring flashed in the moonlight.

"I would call it 'elegant rage'."


I started forward, but she lifted a talon and multiple night- and shadow-colored dragons slithered down the dark trees.

I stopped.

Hunting to survive was one thing, but being hunting – quite another.

She had brought reinforcements.

Whipping my head around, I saw other similarly colored dragons snake down the trees and surrounded me, Silver, and Branch.

We were outnumbered.

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