Chapter 5 : Tissue Box and a Chocolate Bar

Start from the beginning

Twinsaver tissue box : You gonna cry??

Me: *grunts* No

Twinsaver tissue box: You sure because I don't know how much longer you can hold in those tears. She's obviously not coming.

Me: I'm not holding in any tears! She's obviously late...

Twinsaver tissue box: That's what they all say , yet in the end I'm the one left to wipe their tears and their snot. How disgusting!!

Me: There will be no tear wiping...oh gosh! I'm talking to a tissue box in my head. Olivia -forget the love thing just come so you can save me from insanity!

Snapping myself out of it my eyes flicker back to the clock and 20 more minutes have passed.

Clock: How much time should pass before you finally accept she's not coming?

I stand up abruptly before having a conversation with a clock !

I quickly leave the classroom and walk down the hallway with my head up ignoring the heavy feeling settling in my heart. I should've just spoken to her when I had the chance. No games,no pick up lines just-Hi.

"Leonardo!" a familiar voice shouts, making me stop in my tracks.

Before my heart can jump for joy I slowly turn around and find her standing at the other end of the hallway, out of breath.

She closes the distance between us by running again and it's so comical.I don't think I've ever seen her run before.

She's finally in front of me and completely out of breath she loosens her blue tie as she tries to calm herself down and while all this is happening a broad smile is etched on my face.

"I've been calling you for so long!" She complains,her voice elevating to a higher pitch.

"I didn't hear you" I answered honestly.

She looks up at me with her slightly mouth agape and it stays that way for a while.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" I tease, making her glance at her school shoes.

"Yes," she says, barely audible.

Then she clears her throat and looks up at me but not my eyes. Instead she's looking at my hair and I think it's her way of feeling less nervous around me.

"I...looked up the articles and looked through the questions. Some of them are really uhmm personal...would you be comfortable answering all of them?"

"I would, " I answered, truthfully.

"Cool" she says, putting her hands into her blazers pockets.

"Cool" I concur, scratching the back of my hair.

"So does this mean-"

"Yes" she interrupts, a shy smile on her face.

A silence.

"Okay then...shall we go milady" I tease, bowing slightly.

She giggles,her nose scrunching into the cutest reaction and my heart soars.

"After you,Sire " she says in a fake accent.

And then we're walking side by side down the hallway together. Her shoulders brush against mine from time to time but what brings a silly smile to my face is how in sync our steps are.

Getting into the empty classroom with Olivia felt like a victory dance in front of tissue box who didn't believe in me. I felt like sticking my tongue out at the clock but don't worry ,I did none of those things.

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