Chapter 2: Goodbye Before Hello and a Soccer Game

Start from the beginning

He hits my back like we just won an award or something and I roll my eyes.

"Dominique just shut up" I grunt.

For some reason this makes him laugh and just like Mrs Jones I feel like slamming something. Better yet, I feel like flipping this desk.

"If I didn't know any better. I'd think you're not exactly happy about my whole plan of finally getting to sit next to you in this class"

"This was your plan?" I ask, baffled.

He looks at me with a face that says duh .I groan ,writing down my notes.

"Just try to not give me the urge to punch your face"

"I'll try but I make no promises " he says, raising his hands.

Rolling my eyes I look down at my book, sighing.

Dominique is miraculously silent for a while until, " You like her don't you!" he says,a little too loudly.

Mrs Jones glares at Dominique and if looks could kill- my friend would be six feet deep.

He whispers this time, a crooked smile on his face. "You like Olivia! You like Olivia! You like Olivia! " he chants, making me mad.

"How are you 18? There must be something wrong with your brain?"

"Avoid the question all you want but you like the quiet girl"

I grunt, looking out the window.

"Whatever man" I mutter.

"Whatever indeed"he says, writing the notes on the board.

"I wonder what you see in her?" he adds, after a moment, "-she's so simple."


After a month, Olivia had stopped looking my way every time she entered the classroom. I guess she gave up on me ever talking to her.

After three months, I didn't even catch her looking my way by mistake; it's like I was invisible. She stayed in her group of friends and I stayed with mine. It was like she was telling me that we were too different every time she hung out with the school's geeks.

On the other hand, when I hung out with the guys in my soccer team, a few beautiful girls would flock around us, sometimes placing their hands on my shoulder. It was at that moment -Olivia would lift her eyes off her book and they would land on me.

Then on the girls around my friends and I . Then the soccer guys and then she'd look back at me again and there would be this coded message swimming in her coffee brown eyes that I couldn't understand.

Even though I gave up, my eyes never stopped straying to her whenever she entered the room. I guess you could say I loved her from afar not having the courage to come close but I felt that it was something else.
Something else stopping me from truly letting myself love Olivia.

11th of October 2023🥀

" Tell me you aren't nervous for our last official soccer game today? " Dominique asks.

We're walking through the food court pushing past the crowd of hungry teenagers with our pies in hand.

"It's soccer. I'm never nervous" I answer, and easy smile on my face.

" Did you see the team we're playing against?! I mean those guys look like they eat bricks for breakfast. They look like grown men?!" Dominique babbles, making me laugh.

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