Love Me Or Not

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I never know how I'd end up here, alone.

It's been a few weeks since Sol spoke to me, you did that often. I'd sit in bed like a depressed Prince Johnathan, awaiting news of David. I felt like you couldn't care less, and maybe you didn't then, maybe you'd prefer if I'd rot there in my room -- amusing myself with particles of dust as I lost my mind slowly.

The golden flecks danced around my hand where the single ray of sunlight was. I liked how it looked, it felt surreal, like I wasn't real.

Just. Dust.

My parents were mad at me again, how I always managed to care the most about you, how I always felt a little lost when you weren't around.

My phone makes a noise and I instantly flee to it, almost falling off my top bunk, but it's only spam.

Why do you insist on torturing me so?

I rubbed the blankets on my palms, trying to get a grip on at least something. Describe it, lower me back to earth ... it doesn't work.

We didn't get in trouble, even though I was picked up looking like a wreck. My eyeliner was smudged, my hair that I spent hours on: poof.
I told them we got into an argument with some litterers, and they dumped the drink on me. They offered to call the police, but I insisted not to. I don't think they'd be able to handle ... me.

"So, do you think you'll ever come out one day?"

We were in the park, reading those books.
I shook my head. I know my parents, they'd never allow it. "And you?"

"I want to be out, one day, when I'm ready. I want to live in a house far away, with you."

You always said things like that, then run away.

Soleil, you make me wonder ... do you love me or not?

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