Author's Note

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Whassup Sunrises and Sunsets,
Honestly, I'm proud to have remembered writing a note for you guys, because once again: when inspiration strikes at 3 am, you tend to scribble it down and forget the rest like, idk, structure lmao.

It's your boy, Ez, with a very big apology.
I know, I know that this has been a long awaited sequel and I'll admit, writing sequels are hard.
(My heart really goes out to Rick Riordan for making it look easy, because damn, it's really hard to come up with a new idea that correlates with another book.)
The book will be updated every week, so y'all know what to do: don't forget to vote on chapters, comment something a little silly -- or serious, whatever you'd like as long as it isn't hurting anyone -- and to enjoy.

Midnight Is Oursजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें