Pride (pt1): Failing and Trying Again

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All was well until I got in the car, driving away with my last foot barely inside as dust shifted into the air.
"Oh hi, honey. How was graduation? Sorry we could be with you, angel."

I shrugged the apology off, telling my parents all about my distinction for Consumer Studies. We smiled and laughed as I passed over my results.

The car went silent.
"Amaris, it says here that you failed math. Again."
Dang it.

You see, it's nobody's fault that I don't have a math brain. Nobody's fault but my own.
I knew this would happen.
So why was I breathing a bit more shallow, my heart threatening to come out through my throat?
My dad drove to a safe parking spot, swearing under his breath and my mom smiled reassuringly.
"Don't worry, we can just have Amaris rewrite."

She turned around from the front seat, hand on my shoulder.

Right, everything will be alright


I was sitting on the swinging bed, where Sol and I spoke about sunsets and sunrises.
That seemed like such a long time ago.

It's been two months, Sol barely coping with his university course and I was sort of his only friend again.
I knew that I was just a crutch and you'd drop me as soon as you felt better, but it was nice.
You were nice.

"So ..."

I knew what you were gonna say. You wanted to remind me about Pride, coming up in a couple weeks. It was all you could talk about.

"Yeah, I'll go with you to Pride, dummy."

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