Bonita quickly steps in front of me, making me pause.

“Even Portia Dalton?”

Her name instantly sends an unpleasant chill through me and I exhale deeply.

“I knew it” Bonita shakes her head. “What happened?”

I rub my arm.

“She... freaked out.”

Bonita squeezes her brows together.

“Freaked out?”

“Yes. Like you did when I told you the news” I smiled.

She chortles.

“I did not freak out.”

“You walked out of our family dinner, gave me the silent treatment, and somehow, Papi is still not okay with this.”

I don't expect him to be though.

I sidestep Bonita and continue walking.

“Okay how is the third one linked to me?” she asks as she comes after me.

“He's carrying your rage” I tease her over my shoulder.

The bell in the bakery tingles as a small group walks in.

“This is Reid Dalton's fiancée's bakery. That Lee chick” I catch one whispering to the other.

“The place Emma went to?” asks a girl with curly blonde hair.

“Yeah she says they are so good,” the first one speaks louder this time.

“Hello,” one guy who's built like a football player grins at Lyra.

“Hello. Welcome to Sweets by Lee. What can I get for y'all?”

“Could we get a menu we can look at first?” the curly-headed one asks.

“Yes, you can.”


I sigh.

“What is it, Bon?”

“Did she say anything to you?”

Only that I'm too brown for her son.

“Nothing a mother who finds out her only son's engaged to a baker behind his family's backs wouldn't say.”

“So she refused to accept you?”

I shrugged.

“They walked out before we got to dessert.”

“Oh my goodness, why? It was that bad?”

“His parents thought it was too much of a commitment for Reid and me to be living together. And honestly I—”

“You're what?!” Bonita exclaims.


“How is the lemon cake?” the curly-haired asked.

“It’s delightful. Miss Lee came up with the recipe herself. Some people tend to not buy it because they'd rather stick with the regulars. But in my opinion, it’s one of the best cakes we have, and they're just missing out big time” Lyra rambles on.

“Lee! Over here!” Bonita snaps her fingers in my face.

I blink.

“You two have been living together?!” she fumes.

I nod.

“And that's exactly how Portia reacted.”

Just bigger and meaner.

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