Still, she remained civil.

It wasn't his fault. He didn't know.

"Of course not. I only wanted to make up for yesterday. I was rude, your presence surprised me, but I could've received you better."

Austin eyed her as she turned back to the stove.

"Don't think nothin of it, chère. I knew you meant no harm. I coulda been better too,"

There was no harm found.

He thought her defensive act was cute.

"It was the first time I ever been greeted by a knife," He added with a laugh, making her look at him.

"I'm sorry about that too," She apologized. "It's just, I've never met someone like you before. You're very," She paused to think of the right word.

Something that wouldn't be offensive.

"Charming? Handsome? Tall? Perfect? Though the ladies rarely call me perfect," He chuckled as her brows furrowed. "Need another adjective, chère? Lemme think of what my mama calls me," He bit his lip to aid his case.

Anastasia's expression was hilarious.

He would enjoy messing with her.

"Comfortable." She finally said with her brow raised sharply.

She had a real pretty face.

Austin cleared his throat at the annoying feeling that filled him.

"Comfortable?" He echoed. "Who, me?" He fluttered his lashes dramatically, making her roll her eyes.

Anastasia shook her head at his weirdness.

"You're very comfortable." She told him and turned off the stove. "People around here don't act the way you do. You speak without an apparent pretense or motive," She explained to the man.

A smile grew on his face at her keen observation. "I oughta give you a cookie, chère. You found me out." He sucked his teeth and stood from the island. "I been like this my whole life. Going on thirty-five years, chère. It's a gift for sure, bein comfortable in my own skin." He walked beside her to get a plate from the cabinet, making her freeze.

Anastasia took a step back and hit the refrigerator.

She wasn't used to this at all.

"I do something wrong?" He asked as she stared at him.

She felt found out.

"No, no, I just, again, you're comfortable. I'm not used to that."

His motives were pure.

He wasn't trying anything.

He wanted a plate, not an excuse to get close to her.

"No, you're natural, I think that explains you better."

He shrugged and fixed his plate.

"Comfortable, natural, handsome, charming, Louisiana's finest," He added to help her definition of him fit and sighed at the delicious plate of breakfast. "Smells real good, chère."

Anastasia only nodded.

What kind of man was he?

And why didn't he mention her meltdown from last night?

"I see you two are well acquainted now," Dominic said as he walked into the kitchen. "Your cooking woke me up, Anastasia." He told her and grabbed a plate.

"We're the best of friends, Nic," Austin said as he swallowed his french toast.

Anastasia cringed at his lack of manners.

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