He presses me harder into the wall. When I look up, his angry glare makes me cower back.

"I'm sorry."

"Silver," the captain's booming voice from my doorway interrupts whatever he was about to say.

He releases me and storms out, my door splintering against the frame as he slams it closed. Sliding down to the floor, I take a shaky breath, trying to calm my nerves.

"Send her away!" He shouts.

"You do not make demands here, boy. This is my ship. I am the captain." The rage in his voice shakes the walls. A crash accompanied by more shouting and tension draws me toward the door.

Peeking out through a small crack in the wood, I find the captain holding Silver against the wall by his neck. The crew is gathered around watching the altercation nervously.

Silver thrashes in his father's grip, fighting against his authority. I can see, even from here, the fiery resistance in his eyes.

Crates are tipped over, beans and potatoes rolling across the floor mixing with shattered glass. In a matter of seconds, they managed to make a mess of the place.

"If you insist that she sails with us, she will sail through to Portugal." His voice is deadly calm. His chin tips up, looking the captain squarely in the eyes.

"You forget your place."

"She sails through or we leave her here on the docks."

Neither man is backing down. The captain's fingers flex against his neck, squeezing tighter. Silver doesn't flinch. My breath quickens as everything becomes clear. The jokes I didn't understand, the glances and laughter. "Do you know how to swim, girlie?" The captain was going to push me overboard. That's the only explanation for Silver's demands. A violent trembling wracks my body.

"Captain," The older man, the only one who didn't seem amused by the thought of my potential death by drowning, steps forward. "We'll put her to work. Make her earn her passage."

Silver snarls, suddenly pressing forward, forcing his way out of the captain's grip.

"She's a fine bit of gash, Cap." One of the other men chimes in. "We should keep her aboard just for-"

Silver lunges forward, grabbing the man by the throat and slamming him down to the ground. The floor creaks, the wood straining beneath them.

"If you touch her," he looks up, his eyes moving through the crowd. "If any of you touch her. I will rip your spine out through your throat."

A bellowing laugh booms from the captain. "It all makes sense now. We'll keep the girl, she'll make it safely to Portugal but she's your responsibility. I want all meals cooked and the galley spotless. If she falls short, you will pick up the slack. Otherwise, you'll find yourself in the depths of the briny blue beside her."

Silver jerks upright, stalking out into the night. Before he passes through the door, his eyes dart toward my room. The crack is small but I'm certain he sees me. I feel his gaze, blistering and angry as he reaches through me.

"Clean this up," Captain Cormac points to the mess spread across the floor. "Big Jones, replace the spilled whiskey and beans."

The older man, Big Jones, I assume, smiles and follows the captain above deck.

Moving into my dark corner, I sit back to digest what I've just overheard. They weren't being quiet about it. Captain Cormac is obviously unconcerned with what I would do with that information. I consider running, grabbing my small bag of worldly possessions, and fleeing from this ship without looking back.

Even if I wanted to, I have no alternatives.

I can go back to the pub and beg for passage as a maid and cook. I doubt anyone will take me with no money. I need to leave. I'm sure it's only a matter of a few hours before my father and Lord O'Cleary reach Dublin.

Silver seems determined to protect me. Am I really willing to pin everything, my life, on a stranger? The thought of running away from him makes my chest feel heavy.

Mother was right. I'm a foolish girl.

I've spent a total of three minutes with him, one of which saw me pinned painfully to a wall. Yet, inexplicably, I want to stay right here.

I guess either option is shrouded in doom.

A light tap on my door pulls me out of the avalanche of worry that's sweeping me away. My breath catches as the door slowly opens.

"We're getting underway." His eyes flicker as they search my face in the low light. "Stay in here. There will be a lot going on up there and I won't be able to watch you."

"I'll stay here." I feel breathless in such a small space with him.

He nods and turns to leave. My body feels pulled, forced forward by an invisible string that has me bound to him.

"Silver!" I call after him, even though I don't have anything to say.

He hums and looks back, staring at me, waiting.

"Th-Thank you."


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