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Undoubtedly, this is my favourite part of the book because I am a firm believer in the concept of gratitude. When hatred and disappointment is so widely expressed, 'Gratitude' is something that should be expressed by will.

To start with, I am grateful to Wattpad for existing.

The most special person I got to interact with on Wattpad is @Sathvikaa03 , my little sister. I will never regret joining Wattpad because I got to know you and how wonderfully talented, kindhearted and a genuine person you are. It's truly my honour to have you guide me through the ways of Wattpad so patiently.

Your work touched my heart. 'BROTHERS - FOR LIFE' has my heart and my interaction with you helped me to reconsider my passion for writing. You were the first person I confessed to about planning to write and your excitement motivated me to seriously start writing a story that I would love reading. You encouraged me to find my zone and write something I would feel proud of. I feel extremely grateful for all the patience and love you bestowed me with during the process of writing.

Requesting you to review my work has been one of the best decisions I have ever taken, and your insights have always been so thoughtful and respectful. So full of love that it overwhelmed to no extent. I am terrible with Edits and she took the pain to understand my vision for my story and made the Cover Page for me with so much love.

This couldn't have been possible without you darling. Thanks a lot for making this journey possible for me. I will always have lots of love for you in my heart and this acknowledgement is just for my satisfaction. This does no justice to our bond or what you mean to me.

Last but not the least, I am super grateful to my husband, mom and brother for bearing with me and my hours in front of the laptop. They aren't on Wattpad and I don't plan on letting them read ever but I can't not acknowledge the love they have for me and the support they gave me.

I would like to extend my gratitude in advance to anyone and everyone who decides to give my work a chance. Thanks a lot.Lots of LoveManisha Krishna

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