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It is the graduation after party of the group.

Everyone, Tee, Lyssa, Georgina, Cassey, Tricia, Sky and her boyfriend, Nico was in Lyssa's apartment for a celebration. They were in the living room, formed a circle to play Truth or Dare. There was a bottle in the middle since they decided to to the Bottle Spin to determine whose turn it is. They all already quite drunk. It was Georgina's turn and when she spun the bottle and it pointed on Tricia.

"Oohhhhhh! ARMSTRONG!!!" They all turned to him.

"Truth or Dare?" Cassey asked but Tricia didn't answered right away. She finished her shot first and took her time to decide.

"Dare." She bravely answered.

Georgina smiled mischievously but she wasn't affected by it though she knew something is playing inside her friend's head.

"Pick one from the person next to you, be it on your left or right and kiss them torridly on the lips. Make out for one minute."

Everyone reacted wildly and but Tricia's face faltered. Her seatmate on the left was Tee, who was already covering her mouth and she looked at her in disgust. Obviously, she doesn't want to kiss Tee. And on her right was Sky who seems panicking and nervous. She then looked beside her and found Nico glaring at her. The others are anticipating her choice. Some are urging her to kiss Tee playfully while others are telling to kiss Sky.

"C'mon Armstrong! Time is running! We don't have the whole night for your dare alone!"

And with that, Tricia took a deep breath and turned to her right, held Sky's face and leaned forward to kiss her. Sky on the other hand was so stunned and didn't move an inch. Too surprised to feel Tricia's soft lips on hers. The dare was to kiss torridly but unexpectedly, the kiss was way hotter that they thought. Nico, who was next to them had his fists clenched while the rest cheered wildly.

To Sky's surprise, she found herself closing her eyes and kissing Tricia back. At first, she thought she could resist being taken away by her emotions when she realized Tricia chose her. But as soon as their lips touched, she didn't realized how much she craved for the softness and warmth of her best friend's lips. She'd be lying if she would say she never imagined what it'd like to kiss Tricia. That wonderment and thought had been lingering in her mind from the moment she realized she has feelings for her. And there was a lot of times that whenever Tricia's near her and their faces were inches apart, she had this urge to pull her and kiss her. But now, feeling Tricia's lips against hers, she couldn't control herself nor has the strength to resist it. Her body couldn't stop shaking and her heart beats faster and faster. She kissed her passionately as if she forgotten about the people around them. Even Nico.

Everyone had mixed reactions, there were shocked, surprised and some of them couldn't stop but feel a romantic excitement for the two. But they were all shocked when they saw Nico got up and pulled Tricia away from Sky with all his strength. He then pushed Tricia hard and she hit against Lyssa's living room center table. Everyone gasped.

"What the hell Nico?! You don't have to push Tricia like that!" Cassey exclaimed as she run to the girl who hasn't been recovered from a hard hit.

Tee was going to hit Nico for Tricia but the others stepped in to cease the fight. But the two were both strong that it was difficult to stop them.

"Stop!!!" Sky yelled at them all and they were all stunned at her sudden burst.

*End of Flashback*


My eyes flashed open and I quickly sat up in bed.

"Why the hell did I dreamed about that? Why did that memory came back?"

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