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"The others miss you too. The other day, when the girls and I are going through stuff for my wedding, they told me they wished you would be there. And well, I hope so too but at that time we didn't know where you were. How on earth did you manage to pull that off? Hiding..."

I smiled proudly and shrugged.


"You even work for a famous company with a high position yet you weren't in the news nor in magazines. You really aren't working for Exor, are you?" She narrowed her eyes at me as if she's daring me and I laughed at her little gesture.

"Of course I work for Exor. I'm just not part of the advertising or publicity department. I work at my desk and I prefer people not putting my face in magazines or in any news of some sort. It's only a plus that you guys weren't able to find me anywhere at all."

"And Tee wouldn't tell us anything. I really wonder what kind of bribe did you give her to shut up? We both know she isn't that loyal." She said in a quite annoyed tone and I laughed again at her little remarks with our friend Tee. Well, Tee is a player so that's why Sky said that.

But of course, Tee knows that I wasn't able to forget Sky nor was I able to move on from how I felt about her if I hadn't distanced myself from them. Although the rest of the group could guess that I did like my best friend back in college but they didn't know how deep it was for me. They even teased us before but I was always able to evade those remarks.

"Tee is just lazy to explain to you guys. After all, I can be everywhere. I work at my desk, yes. But I travel around the world to meet clients and business partners with my bosses so it's difficult to tell where I would be. Like, few months back I was in Greece, then in Australia and France. It was only two weeks when I came back to UK and now I'm here. So that's really the reason why I'm hard to find. But we're still connected through social media so it's not really that bad. Besides, Tee and I only meet once in 6 years." I told her.

"Well, yeah. But social media is nothing compared to physical attendance, Armstrong. And I hope that we were included in that once in 6 years meeting of yours and Tee." She said with so much attitude and even rolled her eyes on me.

I smiled apologetically. Then, fortunately, we were interrupted by a girl who suddenly stood before us. She seems uncomfortable. She keeps glancing back. And I noticed that she's with her friends. I also noticed that they were still in their uniforms. They're college students. The girl keeps looking back and forth from me to Sky and I looked at my best friend who looked at me too.

"Sorry Miss. What can I do for you?" I asked her politely.

The girl took a deep breath and I glance again at Sky who took a sip of her coffee.

"Ummm... I know this sounds strange but can I kiss you in the cheeks?" She said shyly and I was stunned for a moment and that also made Sky coughed at her coffee. We did not expect that.

"I-I'm sorry. W-What?"

In my peripheral view, I can see Sky stifling a laugh and I notice that the girl's cheeks were getting redder and redder by the moment while her friends were intently watching the moment. The girl took another deep breath one more time before speaking.

"My friends and I are playing truth or dare and they dared me to kiss you but I don't want to be invasive so I asked. I'm sorry but can I fulfill my dare? I know you have a girlfriend but it's only for the dare, I swear." She said so quickly that she sounds muffling and turned to Sky.

"I promise. It's only for the dare Miss, please don't get jealous or get upset.".

Sky chuckled instead of laughed. For some reason, her stifled laughs disappeared and I saw a tinge of redness in her cheeks. Or was it my imagination?

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