Prologue: A United Front

Start from the beginning

"Bah bah!" Y/N cooed as he held his hands out and rolled out of the basket. Blake, Adam, and Sienna all frantically rushed towards him to put him back in, but all of sudden Y/N easily stood up, using his arms to balance him as he stood. Shaky, but upright he cocked his head in confusion as the kids were stunned in their place.

"Um, mom?" Blake said a little loud as Ghira finished shaking hands with Summer. The papers were signed and Summer filled them in on a little more information about more papers and a visitation they would receive from herself later on. The kids kept trying to get their attention as Blake screamed one last time to get their attention. "MOMMY!"

"What?! Is everything okay!?" Kali said, freaking out in worry before laying her eyes on Y/N walking towards them. "Oh. OH!"

Kali rushed towards Y/N in joy as Sienna and Blake celebrated with her. Ghira felt an odd sense of dread as Summer gave them a black face stare.

"How old did you say he was?" Ghira rubbed his eyes as Summer awkwardly laughed.

"A...a couple months?" Summer sighed as Ghira gave a dry laugh.

"Of course he is..."


Around a month later, Y/N had finally settled in completely. Adam, Sienna, and Blake all settled into their own rooms with the Belladonna mansion and had fully acclimated to their new environment.

They all saw Summer regularly with the huntsman often coming over for dinner and for home visits to make sure that Y/N was okay and not harming anyone with his unusual abilities. Nothing had changed and Y/N continued to grow at a faster rate than normal every time Summer came to visit. New expressions, tones, movements, words, and sounds would be created in the span of only a month when it took most babies months at a time to progress with substantial social interaction.

But with that came all of the issues surrounding the deal with Atlas and Vale along with the problems surrounding the clans of Kuo Kuana and how there were only two left. In this time period, Ellen Khan had disappeared completely and was absent from both the public and private spheres. Thus, everything was left up to one Ghira Belladonna to pull everything back from the depths where it sat. Morale was at an all time low, resources were dwindling, and there was infighting and racism ramping up both on and off the island for humans and Faunus.

Issues piled up one after another, which led to today as Ghira Belladonna sat atop a stage on a podium, hands gripping the hard wood in front of him with trepidation for what was about to make itself known. Today was the day he announced the deal with Atlas, the result of Ellen Khan leaving, the future of the White Fang, and last but not least, his adopted son Y/N Belladonna being added to his family. Adam had been legally handed over to the Belladonna's since that was in the Taurus family will and they had been designated as his godmother and godfather. Sienna was still legally bound to Ellen, but with this gathering Ghira was going to officially announce that he would be taking custody of Sienna Khan for the time being.

"First, I just want to thank you all for gathering here today. I know that recently Kuo Kuana has undergone hardship beyond what any of us could have ever expected. We've lost, we've suffered, and we've fought to make it through these last two months of our collective lives." Ghira looked down at the audience with soft yet resolute eyes as he continued. The audience was quiet, but paying attention to every word, looking for any kind of hesitation or guilt. A leader was honest and empathetic, but a sign of weakness in this moment would squander what authority he had. Thousands of Faunus were looking up to his guidance, thousands were looking up to him for a leader. "The last time we gathered together like this it was in mourning for Imani and Ryker Khan and Aramintha and Alexander Taurus, four incredible leaders of ours that gave their lives so that innocents would have a chance for freedom. I have not forgotten that sacrifice and I have remembered their words and actions each day of my life since."

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