Apart from Me

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Jirard stood there, an ominous laugh coming from somewhere in the restaurant. It sounded like Michael, but I wasn't sure. We all watched as Matt stood in silence. He had to be thinking about his theory due to his relaxed shoulders. That or he had accepted his fate as Toy Freddy.

We were dead silent; everything was cold. The laughing stopped and Jirard blinked, grabbing onto Matt's shoulder, making him jump at the touch.

"Matt, I... I hurt you, didn't I?" Matt took in a deep, shaky breath.

"No, man," he replied. "Only scared me."

"Guess I did my duty, then," Jirard said before grabbing the wires at the back of his head and pulling hard on them. He fell into Matt and was lowered to the floor by the game theorist.

No one moved as the lights turned on and Tom screamed from the stage. Matt picked Jirard up. I saw his hand push himself up, the tan suit moving with life inside. Jirard was awake. He grabbed onto Matt and sat up, leaning against the doorway.

I knew everything was going to be okay when Matt looked back at me with tearful eyes, smiling. Jirard was alive.

"What the hell is going on?" Tom yelled. "Where the fuck am I?"

The lights all turned on, the bells chiming. Jordan woke up suddenly, reaching for my hand. I helped him stand, holding on to him like there was no tomorrow. It was a hug I needed so badly and he melted right into me. I grabbed onto the back of his shirt while he looked down to Jirard.

"This is what you have left for me?" Ian asked, appearing in the office. "Not even Bonnie is responsive."

"Bonnie?" Jordan asked. Tom stumbled down the hall and peered around the corner of the right door, looking at Jordan and I.

"Hey, Sparkly Pants." He looked at me and nodded. "Whatever you decide, man, I'm cool." He was probably referring to the two of us refusing to let go of each other. Well, we had to eventually, so I pulled myself away and smiled at him.

"I have no one left to pain you all with," Ian pointed out to us. "Unbelievable. How rude."

"How come they all woke up but you haven't?" Matt asked.

"Maybe Ian is just that fucked up," Mark said. Soon everyone was to their feet, circling Ian. He looked around at all of us, the perfect mix of horror and grace.

"Listen," Ian said, putting his hands up defensively, "If I was the old Ian, I would show remorse for my supposed best friend rotting away in the back room in the Springtrap suit, wouldn't I?"

"Ian would be crying on the floor," I said. "But... Golden Freddy is standing here under the power of Michael Stevens with nothing to defend himself and an army of angry people staring him down." Jordan grabbed my hand and I looked at him.

"Please, don't flatter me, you must stop," Ian laughed. "The only thing I can say is that none of you are safe. You'll all die for good tonight."

"How so?" Mark asked. It looked like he was regretting asking. Ian smiled at him and was gone, like a hologram was there instead of a man with no heart.

We all looked around, Matt grabbing the tablet. He flipped through the feeds, coming up with nothing. We were focused on the feeds and doors when suddenly Suzy was crying out, grabbing her head and screaming in pain. Mark was quickly to her aid just as Tony gripped onto my arm, making me cry out. He had gotten me on my wound from the previous day I had nearly forgotten about.

"Try and find me," Ian laughed while I tried to peel Tony off of me. He was slowly gaining on me, pinning me against the wall of the office, holding his hook to my face.

"Jordan!" I yelled, but he was busy trying to get Tom to stop choking him. The tip of the hook met with my shirt and it quickly tore a hole into it. I looked at Tony and his dead smile as his AI was telling him to hurt me. It was clearly enjoying it.

"Get off of me," Mark shouted, Suzy clawing at him as she pinned him down and clawed at his eyes, tossing his glasses away.

I felt like we were in a sick version of Fight of the Living Dead, Tony being the doctor like before and turning against me. I couldn't call him Tony. I knew the difference. Foxy was the one making his moves on me, trying to tear off my tank top while pressing up against me uncomfortably.

"Jirard, no!" Matt yelled. I couldn't see what was happening, faced with the flesh-hungry Foxy.

Five Friends at Freddy's 《Book1》Where stories live. Discover now