Just a Wish, A Death Wish

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I rushed after Mark, watching Jirard drag a lifeless MatPat towards the stage. Mark lept over Matt and grabbed Jirard, pulling at him and going as far as getting in front of him to punch him in the face.

Jirard laughed. I heard his past self scream out in pain while his body heaved and jolted with a maniacal, dead laughter. He pushed Mark over, making him fall into the table. I grabbed onto Matt's foot.

As soon as Jirard looked back at me, the bells chimed and he released his grip on Matt's shirt collar. I cringed as I knelt down to Matt, seeing that Jirard had clocked him in the head in order to get him out. He wasn't bleeding, thankfully, but he surely was out of it.

"Mark, are you alright?" I asked, looking up to him. He sat on the bench of the table and huffed, rubbing his arm. He nodded, watching Jirard return to the stage. "Help me get Matt onto the table," I said.

Mark stood and helped me pick Matt up by his armpits and ankles, having to lift him onto the table. I took his jacket off of him to use as a pillow, making sure he was comfortable.

I felt someone behind me and quickly spun around to see Ian seething in anger, steam rising from his clenched teeth.

"What did you do to them?" he asked in reference to the two robots still twitching on the floor. I looked to Tony and Suzy, then to Ian.

"We survived the night," Mark smirked. I sat on the bench, taking Matt's hand. I have no idea why, but it seemed like the right thing to do at the moment.

"Seems like he did not," Ian said. I looked up to him as Jordan walked out of the office, his broomstick shank in his hand. Ian looked to him and crossed his arms.

"You damaged them and now I have to fix them," Ian sighed. Jordan stopped in his tracks. "Which means you'll sleep while I work on them and I'll wake a night early."

We noticed that Ian's cocky manner had disappeared. It was quickly replaced with an angry mist and bright blue eyes that screamed of a craving for death.

"I'll go get some... some drinks and some food," Mark said out of context. He looked around to everyone, then left two the kitchen. Jordan walked to Ian, blocking my view of him.

"You leave us alone tonight and the guys leave us along tomorrow and you torture me tomorrow during the game. If that goes over smoothly, we won't have any problems."

"Torture?" Ian and I asked. A smile grew onto Ian's face and his old self was showing through. "I would love to shake on that agreement." Ian held his hand out and Jordan grabbed it, shaking on the awful agreement. I sat in silence, staring fearfully at Ian once more. Just thinking about his breath down my neck made me sick.

Jordan turned around, clamoring upon a table and laying down, looking at the ceiling. I left my stare watch Ian prop Tony up against the wall. His head rolled on his shoulders and his eye locked with mine, the dead light giving me a chill up my spine. Ian tore out wires and blood spewed out at him, but it didn't seem like he cared.

I watched as Ian ripped out the broomstick which left a hole through and through Tony's chest, his shirt soaking with stale blood. I smelled him rotting and turned my head, looking to Matt, passed out. He seemed like Snow White on the table, as if a kiss would wake him. If only Stephanie was there with us.

Mark returned with a bag of fries and some bottles of Sprite under his arm. Jordan sat up, wiping his face off and reaching for a bottle. Mark tossed one to him and set a couple down next to me on the bench, leaving the fries with me.

"Give me a second I... I need to get me story straight," Mark's angelic voice sang through the restaurant. "My best friends are lying on the ground, dying, bloody and decaying...."

I leaned against Matt, resting my head on his chest as Mark settled us down. I didn't feel like I could digest anything so I ignored the fries.

"My lover, she is waiting for me just across the bar. My seat's been taken by some animal with dead eyes and a nasty grin. I don't know how I got here and I don't know how I'll leave, but I see myself in that dead man in just a couple weeks..."

He sat on a table while Ian cut Tony open and sewed him back up like a cloth doll. I could hear it, everything.

"But between the nights and days that pass so quickly right before my friends, I know that I'm safe because... fuck," Mark stopped his improvisation with a sigh. "Tonight, we are young..."

He continued on in the dimmed lighting. I shut my eyes and relaxed, listening to Matt's steady heartbeat.


I woke with a figure standing over me and an arm wrapped around my shoulders, a hand relaxed on my side. I looked to the figure, seeing the yellow eye of Tony/Foxy standing over me. I realized Matt had his arm around me, meaning he had waken.

"Hi, Tony," I said. I felt my heart race a bit, but it wasn't like I was scared. He wasn't scary, before or after the mutilation. "If either of us drank, I'm sure we'd be sitting on the deck of the cabin you film at with a cold one to breathe this off, huh?"

I set my head back onto Matt's chest and Tony continued to stand there, blankly staring at me. If I could even call him Tony Valenzuela. He wasn't Tony anymore. He was Foxy the Pirate Fox.

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