Seeing Sound

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Jordan let out a sigh and Mark only stood there. I only smiled, not wanting to seem I was behind anything, because I wasn't. I was just as lost in the maze as the other three were.

"We have to take this like a survival game," Jordan said. "Like a Minecraft series."

"We need food, water, and weapons," Matt added.

"But, we surely couldn't hurt our friends."

"One, they're... very sadly dead, and two, don't call me Shirley," I said, a smirk on my face. I had a feeling the Airplane! quote would lighten the mood, but I only got a glare from Matt and Mark.

"We can each take a job," Mark said. "But the thing is, we don't know how much time we have."

"Actually, you have six hours of real time," someone said from the doorway. We all screamed and jumped to see a man wearing a golden suit, it seemed, and a top hat. He looked around at us with bright blue, glowing eyes.

"Please don't hurt us," Matt said, putting his hands out and backing away to the right door.

"Ian?" I asked. "Hecox?"

"Nope!" he said, putting his hands behind his back. His cocky manner made me think he was faking it, but his eyes were light bulbs and his ears had wires coming out of them. "You know me as Golden Freddy," he informed us with a swing of the hand to his stomach, taking a valiant bow and smirking at me.

He stood upright and looked around, taking in a deep breath. Matt put down his arms and Mark raised an eyebrow. "If you're Golden Freddy, that means that-"

"I've been here since the first test," Ian finished.

"First test?" Jordan asked. "Who took part in that one, and the ones after?"

"Well, this is the second test of many to follow," Ian said, looking around at us. "The first test consisted of me and Springtrap, and-"

"Anthony?" Ian looked at me and nodded.

"We were always better together. Our victims were Suzy, Tom, Jirard, and... someone else..." he smiled at me. "I guess Michael and Freddie liked me better than Springtrap. They wanted to keep me around."

"But this doesn't make sense in the timeline," Matt said.

"They're building up for more robots," Ian smiled. "Ya know, Toy Freddy, Toy Chica..."

"Mangle, Balloon Boy," I added. Mark let out a heavy sigh and turned away from Ian.

"Mr. Fischbach, there's no need to worry. You get a grace period. Think some things over and eat some pizza. Maybe get some rest."

"I don't really know if I can exactly do that," he said, looking to the ceiling. "I'm already struggling to not rip your head off."

"I'll take the liberty of making the pizza," Ian smiled instead. "Would you like to help, Jordan?"

"No," Jordan and I said at the same time. He looked to me and Ian chuckled.

"Well, you two need to come to a census. Oh, and, Daniel?" he said, looking directly at me. He stepped forward to a point where he was whispering in my ear. "If I see you messing with any of my friends of Fazbear's Pizza, I will take it upon myself to make sure each of them gets to rip a limb off of you and claw out your organs." He stepped back and laughed heartily.

"Not to mention, they turn back on when the sense danger!" he said loudly, looking around us. I could only stand there in complete and utter fear. I felt tears roll down my cheeks and Ian beamed a wide smile at us all.

He spun around and walked out, then looked back at us through the window. "Let's go, Jordan. Help me make a pizza for you all." Jordan looked at me and placed his hand on my back, then walked past me, looking back to me as he did so.

I looked to my bare feet and tugged at my cargo shorts, holding back a scream I needed to let out. I was shaking in fear, sweating and crying. Why was that the thing that scared me so much? Ian's non existent breath going down my neck and his fuzz brushing against my cheek? Possibly everything piling up against me at once.

Matt tapped on my arm, making me turn around. He held his arms out and I fell into him, breaking like a twig. He rubbed my back and kept me close to him, letting me cry. In fact, he was crying, too. Mark even joined in and rested his head against my shoulder and collapsed Matt into me. We were just a complete podium of crying.

I was able to suck it up, a determination burrowing deep into me. The two backed off and I pushed past them, walking to the main restaurant. I turned the corner and faced the star-covered curtain head-on. Matt ran up behind me and pulled me away before I could pull at the curtain, thankfully.

"Don't do that," Ian shouted. "You wouldn't want Foxy to get you!" We turned to look at him and he looked to Mark. "And I found a new shirt for you, Mark." He tossed a shirt to him and it fell onto the floor, opening to be another Game Grumps shirt, this time a new Table Flip shirt with Suzy and Barry on it instead of the purple one with Arin and Danny.

Five Friends at Freddy's 《Book1》Where stories live. Discover now