Completely Different

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Mark glared at Tony as Matt took control of the cameras. Jordan was mumbling to himself on the floor under the desk, hugging his knees while Matt stood by the left door. Mark seemed jealous of me and how I got my friend back but he didn't get his.

"She is probably going through hell," he grumbled. "I'm going to save her from shit she's going through."

"What's in that plan?" I asked, sitting next to Tony on the floor. We had tried to give Jordan the roll chair, but he seemed too fixed on running through the desert. We all agreed he was trapped in Minecraft in his head.

"I rip out her wires and end what's happening to her. She's in purgatory, according to Tony. That's at least what I gathered."

We looked at him as Tony ran his hand across my knee, then down his own leg. I had no idea why he was doing that and I still fear to ask. I could only assume he was trying to relearn textures.

"Mark," Matt said, grabbing his full attention, "do what you must. We all have to at some point."

Mark nodded and Matt gave him the clear. He took off down the hallway and jumped onto the stage, stopping behind Suzy. We sat in silence and heard him scream. Matt looked at me and Tony looked at him.

"Mark?" Matt yelled down the hall. I looked to Jordan and watched him as he looked around frantically and jumped back, passing out. Creeper must've got him. I crawled over to him as Matt tore down the hall.

"Is he okay?" Tony asked me. I pressed my hand against Jordan's chest and nodded. "Good... oh my god."

"What?" I asked, looking back to him. I looked to the door and saw Mark carrying Suzy in bridal style and setting her in the roll chair. She looked around at us and then to Tony, weakly waving at him.

"I couldn't do it," Mark cried, "she said my name and I was suddenly holding onto my friend again!" She looked to Mark and played with the wires coming from her collar bone.

"I was the second to die," she whispered. "I haven't seen Arin in so long, Mark. I miss him so much." I watched her and Mark embrace and I looked back to Jordan.

"Matt, how long?" I asked.

"Halfway there." He looked to Tony as he stood, walking to him and taking the tablet hesitantly. "I want to save Jirard," Matt said to no one in particular.

"Go for it. We can take Ian on, surely," I said, looking up at him. Matt took in a deep breath and headed out. Tony gave me the tablet and I watched Matt.

He crawled up on stage and looked at Jirard, going to wave his hand before his face. I jumped when Jirard grabbed Matt's throat, lifting him up and over the stage. I dropped the tablet, running out to save him. Once I left the hallway, Matt was thrown at me.

We collided and were sent to the floor, sliding down the hall. Jirard jumped off stage and started walking towards us, Tom following right behind. I pushed Matt off of me and we ran to the office, shutting the door, scaring Tony and Suzy.

"Rogue bots and choke holds are not an okay thing to have to take care of," I announced, watching them out the window. Tony looked at the tablet, then to me. Tom was leaving, uninterested.

"I... I think I may have figured it out," Matt said. "I have a Game Theory."

"Tell us, man!" Mark yelled, nearly sliding to the right door to watch for Tom.

"I was passed out, right? Jirard knocked me out?" He looked at me and I nodded. "And Jirard didn't touch me. He didn't dare near me. Jordan's out of it and Tom isn't coming at him, right? If they know that we're not okay, they won't come for us."

"And when they sense danger or sadness, they act up," I added, "like when Suzy was screaming at Mark and when Tony was hesitating to kill me, and even standing over me earlier."

"Exactly!" Matt yelled. "Tom is staying away from Jordan in sympathy of his injuries! Jirard is coming at me because I'm scared!"

"So, what do we do?" Suzy asked.

"Should we try to wake up Jordan?" Tony asked, looking at me. I felt like punching him in his stupid, cute face, but I feared he would become Foxy again.

"We wait until the night ends," Matt said, watching Jirard smile at him with half of a jaw.

"That'll be a bit difficult since we have 4% battery and it's 3 am," Tony informed us. I grabbed the tablet and looked to Mark and Suzy, then to the very adorable Jordan still passed out under the desk.

"Then we wait until-" the lights shut off before Matt could finish his sentence.

We waited, Suzy and Tony's eyes keeping a decent green light in the office. Jirard had a yellow glow at the door, leaving light on Matt's face.

"Matt," I whispered, "stay calm."

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