I decide to sneak out of bed for food and hopefully no one will spot me and ask me to do something. I get out of the bedroom and downstairs without being spotted. Then into the kitchen I go and I scrounge up some left over muffins, watermelon and bacon from breakfast. I grab some waters and some advil before heading back toward the stairs.

"Are we going to act like I can't see you?" I hear and freeze with my foot on the first step. I turn and face my father who's sipping something out of a glass on the couch with a book in his hand.

"Yes, yes we are" I say heading back up the stairs. Thank god I put a big shirt on.

"Don't stay all day in bed you both still have things to finalize" he says loud enough for me to hear. "I can only stall your mother and Kate for so long"

I laugh at his words. He's always been wrapped around my finger, I'm a daddy's girl. So since I told him I wanted today to do nothing he said he would help and I knew he would try.

"Your the best" I say and make it to the top of the stairs before sneaking back inside the bedroom. I place the bowls and waters on my nightstand and crawl into bed. I straddle y/n but lay down on top of her. Her arms snake around me instinctly and she mumbles in her sleep.
"Baby I brought you food" I softly say and gently move some hair out of her face. She doesn't budge

"Babyyyy" I try again and her head snaps over to me but her eyes are still closed.

"You ok?" She mumbles sleepily

"I am perfect. I would like to share my breakfast with you"

"Mmm food" she opens her eyes and does a little push up on her forearms so she can turn her body and face me. She wraps our sheet a little behind her body before scooting closer to me. I feed her some fruit before she steals the muffin and gobbles it down.

"You love your muffins." I laugh and kiss her nose

"Not as much as I love you"

"You know you got me already right? You don't have to woo me everyday" I tease

"Baby I'm going to woo you until the day I die. You deserve to be spoilt and loved and cherished every waking days and that's what I plan on doing." She says smiling at me and it makes me cheesy. I thought I'd never find this type of love.

"What do you wanna do today?" She asks me

"Nothing at all. Lay here, maybe take a walk but that's it. You?" I ask

"I'm down with that. We have to meet with Erin soon to finalize some things. I think about the food. But Maybe we can sneak some snuggles with Rose in before I leave for the night." She says and I almost forget. Tonight we can't sleep in the same house, and then I can't see her until I walk down the aisle. Bad luck or something but I don't believe in that shit. Kate is coming over with Sonia while
y/n goes to Lizzie's.

"I forgot your not going to be sleeping with me tonight." I pout.

"We can do a lot more of that before I leave" she teases wiggling her eyebrows

I lightly slap her chest while laughing "not what I meant. How am I going to sleep?" I pout some more.

She gets up quickly and walks toward the closet "hey! Where are you —"
"Just wait a sec" she laughs and runs into the closet. She walks out and I'm too busy staring at her naked body to notice she has a little bag in her hand. She jumps on the bed smiling and hands it to me.

I open the bag and pull out her  Colombia sweatshirt. I hold it up and look at her confused.

"It's my hoodie you love. Haven't you noticed it's been missing?" She asks

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Where stories live. Discover now