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Finally, Classes were over.

I arranged my notebooks into my bag, making haste so that I could leave the student block, wait up for the school bus and then be at home in my bed; crunching on some carrots and taking a feel rest before devoting my whole attention into my assignments.

My classmates were making noise again and David was at the centre of it all, nodding and countering some words. Students from other classes were rushing in to join in on the conversation. What was going on? What had happened?

Meanwhile, Isaac and Zarah,; unbothered by the noise simply walked out, an air of aloofness and a spirit of belittlement instilled in them. But, where was Isaac's Queen? Where was Inioluwa? Not that it meant anything to me but it was odd how she was called to the disciplinarian room and then she returned later only to leave with her school bag.

" Guys. Guys. Guys. " Ruth ran into the classroom and she stood in front of me, hopping from one toe to another.

She knew something.

" Inioluwa was suspended!" Ruth screamed into my ears.

" What?" I said, taken aback. How?

Suspension meant she was found of something guilty and it also meant she wouldn't be a part of the special project and she had lost all chances of being a prefect.

" We already know. " David came forward, his bag hung on one of his shoulder at the back. " Everybody already knows. " He used his hands to sum everybody up.

Ruth rolled her eyed and sat on top of my desk.

" I didn't. " I said, getting up.

I shouldn't be blamed though. Isioma was the one who liked gossip, she would bring the gist to me and I would take in a bit of it.

" Are you in this school at all?" Ruth said, staring at me with disbelief. " She was suspended for being the owner of that bag. "

" Which bag?" I asked.

Ruth jumped down from the desk and continued to stare at me like I was an alien or something. I stared back at the five foot two girl, hoping she would realize that I was messing with her.

" what is wrong with you? " Ruth asked, shaking her head.

I beamed.

" Don't mind her, she knows about the bag. " David chirped in.

" Glory be to God o. " Ruth waved her hands around. " I wanted to drag her to the G and C for counselling. "

" Let's go out. "  I said, moving ahead of them.

" I pity her o, so she will be at home while her friends will be cruising with each other. " Ruth said. " Not like they will care anyways. "

We left the classroom and went outside to stand by the rail, continuing the conversation outside.

" Enough about them guys, guess what?" David said, with enthusiasm in his tone.

Ruth and I stared at him, wondering what was making him sound happy.

" If it is about coding or computers, don't even go there. ' Ruth said.

" Haba. My life does not revolve around computers. " David said, with a grin.

" Then what is it? Did you get a girlfriend or something?"

David gave out a short laugh. " Not that YET. " 

" What's the good news?" I asked.

" I talked to my dad and he agreed to allow me ride in the bus today. " David answered.

Ruth hissed, " Look at this one is that what is now making you happy. I even thought it was something interesting. "

" It's great news for me because usually I have go home with my driver but now I can go home with you guys. "

My eyed moved up, past the SS3 floor to the roof zone–where Isioma's death had taken place and something compelled me to go up there, to have a look in the now forbidden area.

" I'm ready to go down now. " Ruth announced.

" Me too. " David agreed. " Besides, I don't want to miss the bus on my first day. "

" Newbie. The bus doesn't leave early. It leaves one to two hours after the closing bell. "

We moved to the stairs and I stopped three stairs behind them. The roof called me and  I had to check it out.

" Um. . .Guys. I want to check something out. " I said.

They turned to stare at me.

" We can wait for you. " David offered.

" NO!" I yelled, covering my mouth as few students who were making their way down stopped to stare for a while before going there way. " No. I will meet you guys down. I promise.

Ruth nodded her head playfully. " Chisom. . .you don get boyfriend Abi? "

For some reason, my face was lit up.

" What? Who? " David asked, with his thick brows unexpectedly furrowing together.

Ruth pulled David by the hand. " Meet us down. " she said and when they were both out of sight.

I made my way up the SS3 floor. Thankfully, the SS3 students were held back for a while in their classes, they were having lectures and the doors of each classes were shut. Faint voices of teachers explaining different concepts filled everywhere if not this floor was as quiet as a grave.

It was better this way, no one would see me as I walked through the narrow stairway, crossed the red take that read; Keep out and made my way into the roof.

The roof was bare. Nothing but edges and open spaces.

I went to an edge, shifting backwards to prevent myself from being seen by the outpour of students and staffs and then I shut my eyed and opened my ears to the message the wind was trying to pass.

Aside, from the chirping that came from birds that flew by. It was also quiet here.

Was this how Isioma felt when she climbed up here?

Here, the wind was whispering comforting words and maybe it had whispered too many nice things to her; maybe it had told her that in order to find peace she had to jump, maybe it had found a way of setting her free from all her troubles or maybe the instigator was the wind itself; promising to give her things it could never truly offer.


Special thanks to all my readers. You mean the world to me💗

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